Tailgate Coverage Idea


Well-Known Member
O.K. - I haven't run this by Jon Miller yet, but I want to throw it out to the community and get your take.

As some of you know, I handle the website development at HN. Next year I want to hire a film intern to follow me around starting at around 6:30 AM on home games. We will go around to different tailgates and just interview people and get predictions and that sort of thing. Maybe check in to see what they have going on the grill. Might make them do stupid things or have them all sing the Iowa Fight song.

Basically the idea is too capture the tailgating scene for that day. Then about 1.5 hours before kickoff the film intern will upload everything into a video on the HawkeyeNation.com homepage.

This will let people who can't make the game at least get a little closer to the passion and excitement each home game.

I tailgate at this really sweet spot owned by Greg McLaughlin (he kicked fg's for Iowa in late 1990's early 2000's). There's probably 40 people at this spot by the dental lot. Huge speakers, huge flat screen TV. I plan on that kinda being the hub area. Kind of like our own little GameDay.

What are your thoughts?
Will you be getting progressivly drunk as the video goes on? That would be very funny. Also, rather than just look at people's grills, you should ask them to do things that their drunk butts are incapable of, such as throwing a football through an open car window, or seeing if they can stack 30 cans in a beer-amid in 60 seconds.
I'll probably be having a few here and there. But I don't think we'll put too much drinking in the videos. We'll want to project a classy image. You don't see GameDay going around and having people do beer bongs.
I'll probably be having a few here and there. But I don't think we'll put too much drinking in the videos. We'll want to project a classy image. You don't see GameDay going around and having people do beer bongs.

Then you better stay away from loesshillshawkeye's tailgate. He has this beer bong aptly named, "THE HAMMER.":eek:
I'll probably be having a few here and there. But I don't think we'll put too much drinking in the videos. We'll want to project a classy image. You don't see GameDay going around and having people do beer bongs.

Then how will it be recognizable as an Iowa tailgate?

Maybe it is just because I am always drunk whenever I tailgate, but I can grill and sit in a folding chair in my lawn. If it is a special event, I am going to kick back a few (dozen) brews and make everyone in a yellow shirt my best friend.

Incidentally, that's how I met Lance Armstrong...
I think you should travel around a bit. I tailgate at 20 Olive Court, you are welcome to stop by. You could do a different lot each game. Dental, Finkbine, Stadium north and west, melrose itself... that could be cool.
Then how will it be recognizable as an Iowa tailgate?

Maybe it is just because I am always drunk whenever I tailgate, but I can grill and sit in a folding chair in my lawn. If it is a special event, I am going to kick back a few (dozen) brews and make everyone in a yellow shirt my best friend.

Incidentally, that's how I met Lance Armstrong...

I own a pass in the dental lot and agree with Ghost. After about 9 am i dont think there will be a very large pool of sober people to interview. At 9 am i am usually feeling pretty good and thats about the time we try to hit random cars and fans of the opposing team with a mini football

Good idea though, just dont downplay the drinking aspect of tailgating....because that is really what Iowa tailgating is all about
I don't think there will be a problem with interviewing people who have been drinking.... I'm just saying we probably wouldn't record beer bongs and that sort of thing.
I think it's a great idea. While you don't want to make it into a Girl Gone Wild thing, not recording some drinking would be like recording October Fest or Martigraus with no alcohol.

Iowa tailgating is a celebration afterall and drinking is a part of that. Not for everyone ofcourse but still a part of the event.

I think you do that in moderation, and keep your origional idesa and you will have a great feature.

Also as a suggestion, you could have something that is done every week.
What makes your tailgater better than theirs challenge.

Or can I get an interview with the opponents cheerleader/ drum major/ tuba player... ect...
this is a great idea i know a lot of ppl go on youtube to see this sort of thing because they hear about iowa's tailgating. to have this on the direct website will bring more hits.

have different segments every week too. best recipes. best yard games etc.
Just watching people tailgate might get old, but if you could interview some alumni players, parents, broadcasters, well-known vendors, etc., that might make it a little less redundant.
i would suggest we get some hawkeye nation flags and members fly them at their tailgates if they want you and other members to stop by. Just an idea

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