I like it Dean. I really do. I am right in step with that on most things in life - you are a good person and you're gonna bring up your son right. Sometimes I just hit these illegal streaming talks to get a rise out of ya. It works.
But seriously, that's kind of how the world has always worked...forever and likely always will. While you might show you're son the right and wrong ways to do things it isn't going to change the fact that if he doesn't want to pay or work for it, he doesn't have to cause someone will give it to him for free. Ever heard the term, "a sucker is born every minute?" Good luck with that, if it wasn't for kids showing me how to do it, I'd still be paying. Kids are much smarter these days then I ever was. Smart enough not to throw money away.
I am also an artist. I can only speak for myself. My last album has been streamed on Itunes, Amazon and Spotify over 50,000 times in last year and that's not counting any kind of pirating. I literally give 2 shits if someone steals my work. Have it. It cost me tons to make. I made a shit ton of that back. I'll make more. I don't see every single person as someone I need to suck dry of money to enjoy what I provide. When we play a show, I see people getting into the venue for free constantly. We play for the door or we play for ticket sales. I don't give a shit if the guy gets in for free. Big deal. Me watching the BTN+ stream on some cracked link isn't me taking advantage of FOX or cable companies, they've taken advantage of me long enough.