Sunday Search: Fran McCaffery?

and frankly i am not convinced that the next Iowa coach is the 3-4 guys everyone is currently talking about. I have no doubt that NONE of these rumors are being fed from the Hawkeye side of things, therefore, just like 3 years ago do not be shocked when things do not fall the way the national media has been telling us.
and frankly i am not convinced that the next Iowa coach is the 3-4 guys everyone is currently talking about. I have no doubt that NONE of these rumors are being fed from the Hawkeye side of things, therefore, just like 3 years ago do not be shocked when things do not fall the way the national media has been telling us.
This time we have a realistic possibility of being pleased with our coach not falling the way the national media has been telling us
I just can't imagine that Barta would buy out 2.4 million worth of a contract to hire somebody that will take a couple years to put butts back in the seats. A lot of the "favorites" now are just that. They may be very successful and they may turn things around, but it won't be an immediate change. Attendance will come with wins, but it is going to lag behind.
I just can't imagine that Barta would buy out 2.4 million worth of a contract to hire somebody that will take a couple years to put butts back in the seats. A lot of the "favorites" now are just that. They may be very successful and they may turn things around, but it won't be an immediate change. Attendance will come with wins, but it is going to lag behind.

Who cares? Are we going to go to the post season based on the strength of our attendance? I want wins. I don't care if anyone is in the arena or not, I honestly don't. Acctually, I want to see the guys who say "If [insert name] is hired, I'm done with Iowa basketball" come crawling back to support a winner lead by a no name coach.
The Iowa Basketball program never should have been allowed to fall to the level below Dayton, Wright State, and Siena. That is my freaking point. "Give it a rest dude"......give me a freaking break......if Barta hires any of those 3, I will support them, I never said I wouldn't.....however, we will be going through this, a lot worse off than we are now, in another 3-4 years. The fact these names are being dropped as serious candidates says something about the Athletic Department and their complete disregard for the basketball program over the last decade.
The Iowa Basketball program never should have been allowed to fall to the level below Dayton, Wright State, and Siena. That is my freaking point. "Give it a rest dude"......give me a freaking break......if Barta hires any of those 3, I will support them, I never said I wouldn't.....however, we will be going through this, a lot worse off than we are now, in another 3-4 years. The fact these names are being dropped as serious candidates says something about the Athletic Department and their complete disregard for the basketball program over the last decade.

Saying something shouldn't have happened is not a point. That is a wish, a hope, a woulda-coulda-shoulda...not a point. It is called whining, and it is better to stop whining about what happened in the past, and look forward to the immediate goals in the future.

Otherwise you are going to be a very unhappy man...or unhappier I guess.
And you can't tell me that Iowa couldn't get a bigger name than Forbes, McCaffery, Gregory, or the guy from Wright State (I seriously don't know his name, BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF HIM!), for the right amount of coin. Honestly.....Iowa is a better job than being an assistant at Tennessee, or a head coach at any of those 3 please, people, stop trying to justify these names by saying the Iowa job isn't attractive.
I don't need to justify anything. I know Iowa isn't attractive.

BTW, since when was you hearing of him the standard for good coaching?
Who cares? Are we going to go to the post season based on the strength of our attendance? I want wins. I don't care if anyone is in the arena or not, I honestly don't. Acctually, I want to see the guys who say "If [insert name] is hired, I'm done with Iowa basketball" come crawling back to support a winner lead by a no name coach.

Empty seats hurt recruiting. I agree with your premise, but in reality we need support.
I don't need to justify anything. I know Iowa isn't attractive.

BTW, since when was you hearing of him the standard for good coaching?

I never said it was the standard. And I am not whining about anything. Contrary to what you might want to try and believe, it really is unacceptable that Iowa got rid of Lickliter, if they are going to turn around and hire Siena's head coach as a replacement. And the Iowa job is attractive. Because a program is in the s*****r for a few years doesn't make the job un-attractive. Did or does Iowa have a legitimate shot at a guy like Pearl, or Drew...probably not. Do they have a shot at a guy like Turgeon, Gillispie, Knight, or Lavin....absolutely. And, like I said before, for the right amount of money they could make serious runs at a lot of guys at successful programs who have more to show then a few trips to the NCAA tourney via winning the Patriot League Tourney, etc. It does in fact start with the NAME of who is hired, for recruiting purposes. The quickest way to put people in the seats, to create a positive environment around the basketball program, and to get high school kids interested in possibly attending Iowa, is to put someone in charge that EXCITES them to play basketball. Wins aren't going to magically appear and nobody is saying that. With the right hire the Hawks will start winning. Don't try to lump me into some category of "fairweather fans", or even try to ensue that I am giving up before the new coach steps foot on campus. I endured 3 seasons of Iowa basketball, never missed watching a game in some way, shape or form, that includes sitting up all hours of the night here in Baghdad, to read message board updates, while Iowa was losing by 30 points to Minnesota. I stuck that out to the end, and I never wanted anything but for Lickliter to succeed. After this season was over, I was relieved that Iowa would be heading in a different direction.....and, if to my dismay, the turn around and MAKE THE EXACT SAME HIRE, they made a few years ago with Lickliter, minus the COY award......then what in the hell was the point in giving hope to the fanbase, and shunning Lickliter from being given the opportunity to turn Iowa Basketball around in the time frame clearly outlined in his contract? Jesus.....does every person who is less than enthused about this whole situation have to explain their reasoning to you? Perhaps step off of your high horse. You are no more a fan than anyone else. And that is all you are. A fan. With your opinion. Which is why we have message boards. To share opinions. There, now YOU can WHINE about my reply.
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Why is everyone so fixated on IMMEDIATELY putting butts back in seats?

Making a "splash" hire might do this, but that's only superficial support, and as soon as the new guy struggles a bit, they'll leave again - and probably with an even worse attitude than they have now.

People will return when Iowa starts winning again, and frankly - that's the only "butts in seats" argument that has any merit at all. Win games, and the fans will come back. It's that simple.
I think if you met me you would like me. We should totally hang out more.

Totally. I wish I had the same message board wit that you seem to have. It is simply uncanny. This hire sounds like it has or is going to happen so, I want you to be the first to know, I fully support Coach McCaffery, and I whole heartedly hope he gets Iowa back to relevancy in College Basketball, and I hope the fanbase as a whole affords him the time to do that. However, if he does not succeed, I solely place the blame on Barta, for setting him up for failure....this is Barta's make or break his sake more than mine as a fan, I hope this works.
This is a very good hire. I live on east coast. This guy is being talked up for every hire here. He turned down Seton Hall and Providence (which allowed Keno to get that job) and he is way smarter, way more confident than Lickliter. This guy won at NC Greensboro, which is considered one of the true dumps in all of college basketball. He has recruited Chicago very successfully. He has learned his craft and Andy Katz calls him the best coach possibly available for this year's hires. Better than Gregory, Drew, all those guys who have only done it once and at one place.

I am betting this guy actually wins 17 18 games with our talent next year. I would be shocked if he doesn't get some guys knocking on his door for that Tucker scholarship that are in the 6' 10" range. Imagine, tall basketball players at Iowa...again.

This is a homerun. All these midwest-centric critiques of this hire, I have something to tell you. Alford, Lickliter...both hardcore midwest guys. Lute Olsen, Tom Davis, George Raveling....not.
Hard to argue with that based on what's been going on lately.

No kidding. Literally chastises posters for not being overly excited about any of these names....doesn't offer any sort of intellect into a conversation other than what appears to be, in my opinion anyways, degrading everyone's opinion/intellect, except for those who agree with him. And then when you post a well thought out reply, you get "I didn't read your post, because you didn't insert paragraph breaks".......never have enjoyed his posts, just seems like a stubborn jagoff. If you want to have an intelligent conversation by all means, go ahead, but don't accuse lifelong Iowa fans of being trolls for disagreeing with you. He is the closest thing to a regular troll this board has...

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