Suh at it again.

Bill Cowher and the CBS football crew blasted him today.

It wasnt only the CBS crew either. NFLN's crew ripped him as did the fox crew after the game. His postgame comments were terrible. His antics cost his team big time today.
NFLN did a segment of his cheapshots and penalties, they are bad. Goddel really has no choice but to suspend him. It is rubbing off on the entire team and Schwartz is an idiot too. I hope the Lions fall on their faces and dont make the playoffs.
It's so weird because he never did anything like this in college. I wad just talking to my brother in law about him since he is a Huskers fan and he cannot believe what is going on with him at all. He is totally shocked by what he is doing. In fact they used to call him the gentle giant when he was here.

was he like this in college?
It's so weird because he never did anything like this in college. I wad just talking to my brother in law about him since he is a Huskers fan and he cannot believe what is going on with him at all. He is totally shocked by what he is doing. In fact they used to call him the gentle giant when he was here.
was he like this in college?

Yeah I thought thia was part of his stigma coming.out of college. A massive man that was a gentle beast. I really dont remember any of these cheap shot antics.
I wonder if it has something to do with him not dominating the NFL like he dominated college, so this is what he has to resort to? I really dont know, but someone has to put a stop to it or he is really gonna hurt someone soon.
these are ONLY nebbie or Lions fans from what I've seen. everyone else is perfectly capable of seeing the obvious.

From none other than NFP writer Matt Bowen (some of you might recognize the name):
Time for Goodell to shut down Ndamukong Suh | National Football Post

"Up until today, I’ve tried to look past Suh’s garbage. I really have. You see the talent—the Pro Bowl talent—and convince yourself that he isn’t a dirty player. A guy that plays through the whistle at times, but not a player you single out for what he brings to the stadium on Sundays

I can’t do that anymore—and the league office shouldn’t either."

Edit: I highlighted the part that's most relevant to Knit's comment: a lot of people have been trying to convince themselves he isn't dirty.
U know i was watching the game, and it made me think when he was at Nebraska. Everyone at Nebraska loves suh but that was pretty much embarassing to the university. Nebraska doesn't teach players to be dirty, aggressive yes but not dirty. He used to toss QBs around like ragdolls. That was his job and he did it well, but you dont need to be like that to make your point. I was telling my family how i was rootin for the lions because suh was there and sure enough he makes an *** of himself. Hopefully he can get his head out of his *** and just play football, keep that other crap to himself.
An older vet on the team needs to take him aside and enlighten him. If not the Lions then somebody in the league like Ray Lewis or Brian Urlacher, guys he might respect. I'm sure he gets frustrated getting held every play and double teamed allot but thats the NFL. I think you have to look at it in also in the sense that the NFL is a pretty violent game and its a wonder more of this doesn't happen more often. 2 game suspension I would guess.
The problem with Goodell is that he has vendettas for certain players and lets other things go way too far. He's the one that needs to go.
Didn't Suh admit once that he was basically trying to up his notoriety for marketing/publicity reasons?

If I was a company, he's the last guy whose face I'd want shilling my goods.
that's a little ****ed up to wish that on someone.

I hope he quits being a total moron though, because dude has the skills to be dominant. But you can't really like a guy that acts and plays like an immature little kid.

his post game excuses to the media made it even worse. looked like an even bigger idiot after that.

Think what you want about my post....all I know is, if you are gonna stomp on a man with your cleats while he is down. Which could have caused enough damage to his arm that he could possibly get severely injured. Then yeah i still stand behind what I said!
He's a fat punk, I wish someone would've protected his teammate and punched him in the throat. It's tough to be a tough guy if you can't breath.

I hope he gets 3 games. It's complete BS and the league should show a tough stance on player safety. I'm glad Suh doesn't play hockey....

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