Suggestions, issues, etc, post them here

I find the light gray text color is hard to read in your articles. A little darker would be easier on the eyes...thanks.
As for a rating system, I could really care less about having one. But if you do decide to install one, I think you should be able to see who rated a post and how many stars they gave.
It's time for some accountability.
I find the light gray text color is hard to read in your articles. A little darker would be easier on the eyes...thanks.


Also, on the forum pages the gold text against white background is hard to read. Is this something that could be 'user defined' (if it isn't already)? That color combo is hard on old eyes :)

Thanks for all the work...
I cannot figure out how to edit my USERNAME. I would like to lose the "imported_" part of it. Anyone know how I can do that. I can't seem to find anything for that. Does an admin need to do it?
For some reason my user name has been changed to "imported_DLSbulldog" before it was just "DLSBulldog" can it be switched back and if so how?
Jon... Good luck with the new site. It even has that new paint smell still... Which will probably smell like urine after the next tailgate in Iowa City. Looks oddly similar for some reason to a place I've been before....

Maybe you should change the name to Hawkeyefanatic so all the Hawk fans on Cyclonefanatic can find their way over and have a real home.

Anyway, good luck Hawk fans with the rest of the season.. Has been fun watching for the most part.

Jon... Betting Boards are fun...
I cannot figure out how to edit my USERNAME. I would like to lose the "imported_" part of it. Anyone know how I can do that. I can't seem to find anything for that. Does an admin need to do it?

I think Jon mentioned something about it today. Your names had to be imported from the scout site so no one else can claim it. It sounds like it will take him a day or two to switch it around.
Thumbs up on allowing video embeds, Jon. If you plan on continuing to allow that kind of thing, it may not be a bad idea to have a FAQ that walks folks through how to do it?

[ame=""]YouTube - Cyclone Nation[/ame]

Couple other observations:

- the smiley links in the posting page appear to be dead. they show up as dead images for me anyways. the URL they're pointed to '' (for example) may not allow hot linking. not sure how you intend on using those. not a big smiley guy, take this fwiw.
- previously mentioned, but concur with observation that the gray text on white background is more difficult to read than black/white in the content area. ex)
- also agree on previous suggestion to have a page that links to the day's news articles around the nation on matters Hawkeye. that would help make this site a one-stop shop. you might consider incorporating some kind of 'suggest a link' from the users of this site to make that task a little easier.
- great work. like the looks of the place thus far.
Will look into the font, but in the mean time, hit control+ the actual + button, and that increases the size of the entire page....control + the minus button does opposite
On a Mac, it's command + to enlarge. Do it multiple times to get font even bigger.
I've got Malwarebytes installed, and whenever I access a new thread/page - it states: Malwarebytes successfully blocked access to a malicious IP

Just an FYI...

Odd...that IP resolves to, which is a parked domain with GoDaddy.



Not sure why you're seeing that.
Odd...that IP resolves to, which is a parked domain with GoDaddy.



Not sure why you're seeing that.

see my post above. it's the site that the smilies are pointing to from the posting page. Jon should be able to correct once he reads this. he just needs to dump the smilies into a directory on his own server.
It is a bit like looking at a flourescent light, with all the white. Hopefully something can be done with the background that's less harsh.
see my post above. it's the site that the smilies are pointing to from the posting page. Jon should be able to correct once he reads this. he just needs to dump the smilies into a directory on his own server.

Ah ok...completely missed that part of your post somehow. Thanks.
I'm not even sure if these things are possible, but I'll throw them out there.

When in the forums and posting a reply could we;

1. Get a spell checker. I am a horrible speller and usually copy and paste from Word.
2. Make it easier to use bold and italics. I'm not all that great with HTML coding.

Thanks for the consideration.
How about a "How To" forum where you can post and teach all the new things that can be done on this web sight software you have been telling all of us. Maybe this is the forum it can go into once things have settled down a bit
Yes, a how to is something we will be doing...I just had to figure out how to a lot myself before I could write one :)
Jon i really like the site. I love that you are keeping it free with the use of ads! I would like to be able to take the word imported off my name but cant find where to do it.
I would love to have a rating system for posts. One of the worst aspects of the Scout boards is the amount of trolls present. There are internet tough guys that think it's their right to come onto a private forum and run their mouths and generally be a non-contributor to the HawkeyeNation society. I think people need to have some sort of incentive to at least THINK about what they are posting. One of your big points to the new site was embracing today's technology and implementing aspects of it into this site. Take a look at Digg. I would love to see a 'thumbs up/thumbs down' rating system where, as a user, I can set a 'threshold' for the posts that I want to see. I don't want to see posts with a negative response by other users as I'm guessing it's not worth my time to see. This will at least get people to be cognizant of the garbage they say and allow the 'look at me' internet whoredome to be minimalized on the new site. Is this even something that is implementable on these boards?

Edit: More specifically I would like to be able to rate actual topics as well as the posts within those topics. This would get rid of a lot of the multiple topics, unnecessary new topics, off topics etc... Sloppy message boards are a big turn off and this would allow the users to act as monitors/administrators of content and require less effort on your part to 'police' the boards.

I'm not sure that I just becomes an opportunity for some immature child to one star everyone!

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