Suggestions, issues, etc, post them here


I imagine this has be discussed but when did you decide to break away from Scout and start this site? Or are you still associated with Scout? Nice work on the site BTW.


Found info on off topic board.
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I would love to have a rating system for posts. One of the worst aspects of the Scout boards is the amount of trolls present. There are internet tough guys that think it's their right to come onto a private forum and run their mouths and generally be a non-contributor to the HawkeyeNation society. I think people need to have some sort of incentive to at least THINK about what they are posting. One of your big points to the new site was embracing today's technology and implementing aspects of it into this site. Take a look at Digg. I would love to see a 'thumbs up/thumbs down' rating system where, as a user, I can set a 'threshold' for the posts that I want to see. I don't want to see posts with a negative response by other users as I'm guessing it's not worth my time to see. This will at least get people to be cognizant of the garbage they say and allow the 'look at me' internet whoredome to be minimalized on the new site. Is this even something that is implementable on these boards?

Edit: More specifically I would like to be able to rate actual topics as well as the posts within those topics. This would get rid of a lot of the multiple topics, unnecessary new topics, off topics etc... Sloppy message boards are a big turn off and this would allow the users to act as monitors/administrators of content and require less effort on your part to 'police' the boards.
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Can we maybe get less 'white' space? The Forums/topics lists etc... blend in with the background and it looks kind of empty, if that makes sense.
This might just be an issue I have, but my work blocks sites such as youtube. If you plan to push more content to video, can you use the same technology espn uses? I don't know what they use, but it is not a problem for me.

Not sure if this is possible, but I thought I would ask. Thanks.
THANK YOU for the "View First Unread" capabilities. It drives me freaking bonkers always having to scroll through previously-read threads on Scout trying to find where I left off - especially on the longer, multi-page ones.
#1 I've had to log in 3 times this morning and I haven't even left the site. Is this just me?

#2 It seems there might be to many forums with maybe a few of them being combinable. Its early, so maybe I'll see the benefit as the site traffic grows.
#1 I've had to log in 3 times this morning and I haven't even left the site. Is this just me?

#2 It seems there might be to many forums with maybe a few of them being combinable. Its early, so maybe I'll see the benefit as the site traffic grows.

Agreed on the redundant forums. It makes for more clutter and seems overwhelming.
I've got Malwarebytes installed, and whenever I access a new thread/page - it states: Malwarebytes successfully blocked access to a malicious IP

Just an FYI...
hey jon just wondering if i can add an avatar?have been trying to but it wont let me do anything.thanks.
#1 I've had to log in 3 times this morning and I haven't even left the site. Is this just me?

I'm getting this too. Seems each time I use the forum list to jump to a different forum, I lose my login. I click Sign-In again, it thinks for a second, then resets me (signed in again) back to the HawkeyeNation forums main page. Just a minor inconvenience at this point.
Jon & Spank - good luck and best of wishes. You will be part of my daily Hawkeye reading. Two suggestions: (1) Larger Font or at leat the ability to make it larger (2) MMQB is a great segment, how about a similar segment for stat geeks like myself, an "insides the numbers" if you will.

Like the site. Couple of suggestions if they haven't already been made:

1. Have quick links at the top of each message board for the following(note I realize that they are under Forum Tools but would be easier not having to go to that drop down menu):

-Post a New Thread
-Mark This Forum Read

2. Can you explain what "Subscribe to this Forum" does under Forum Tools?

3. With regards to the ratings of posts/posters, I don't get the appeal. It seems very arbitrary and it only takes a 'rogue' poster going through and low rating posts and posters to mess it up. There has to be accountability or have it be a moderator level function. I have never used it and don't understand its purpose.

Jon & Spank - good luck and best of wishes. You will be part of my daily Hawkeye reading. Two suggestions: (1) Larger Font or at leat the ability to make it larger (2) MMQB is a great segment, how about a similar segment for stat geeks like myself, an "insides the numbers" if you will.

Will look into the font, but in the mean time, hit control+ the actual + button, and that increases the size of the entire page....control + the minus button does opposite

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