Is the A/V video feed on Fox bad for others or is it just my dish? Its damn windy tonight so my dish might be getting blown around.
I have DirecTV and it's coming in crystal clear.
This is really embarrassing. TCU should of been playing in this game against Florida. Cincy is a good offensive team normally but they have no defense whatsoever. And now Florida's D is neutralizing Cincy's offense so that pretty much means they're toast. Should of been Florida/TCU and Cincy/BSU.
lol....Tebow's completing 90% of his passes for over 300 yds in the 1st half!
Do you think Jesus ever gets jealous over his "brother" Tim "getting all the talent"?
lol...that was funny.
Cincy = 2007 Hawaii team.
Who's sponsoring the halftime show? I can't tell...
That's not true.
Good news for Cincy...their band got on tv.