Suck it haterz!

I am not sure what you are driving it here, but I think comparing the West to OSU and Michigan proves the point. The last time we played those teams they put up pinball numbers against our D (with the help of our O's incompetence). Despite the skewed games against the powers of the East, we still ended up being a Top 10 D because we feast of Fleck, Frost, Fitz and other incompetent offensive minds.

The West is simply bad offensively. Any D coordinator would crawl over his mother's twitching body to coach against Brian "25" Ferentz and the Western Fuckalong Gang.
We're talking about seperate things here, you realize right? I said the Iowa offense went AGAINST 7 top 20 defenses last year and another poster was like, well, yeah, those teams all play in the West so those #'s are inflated. To which I said, TOSU isn't in the West, Michigan isn't in the West. ISU is in the Big 12, Kentucky is in the SEC. Those teams weren't aided by playing the Big West Offenses every week. I realize we move the targets a lot and the debates go sideways but we're talking about different sides of the ball
At the end of the day, we are all fans. We Monday morning quarterback the game from Saturday and critique the coaches, players and play calling. As long as we win, we tend to be content.

If Iowa went undefeated and average 10 points a game, we would likely be ok with it. Parker would be celebrated and rightfully so. If it wasn't for the contract, BF would likely not be the focus.

Of course, if PSU dropped 70 on us, I'm sure Parker would also have some critics. It's how fans are. We get spoiled with the 8-9 wins and we obviously want more. I just don't think we have it in us year in and year out.

Alot goes into it. KF's philosophy of field position, ball control and winning the turnover battle. I think he does lean on Parker and D alot, but having confidence in the D is not a bad thing. Parker has done an outstanding job of putting some damn good defenses together over the years.

I think probably the frustration is we have been completely anemic in all aspects. Quarterback play, O-line and so on. Unfortunately, in years past, we didn't have the athleticism or talent to overcome any shortcomings.

I think in part, is why we run basic schemes is to compensate for some of that lack of talent. Doing the small things, better technique that can be coached, and execution. This is what Iowa is known for. Question is what I see this year is we do have talent at skill positions. So I am hoping the line gels and we get a chance to open things up.

I am still optimistic with what I am seeing we continue to progress as the season goes on. Let's hope KF and company have a great game and have a few tricks up their sleeve and send a lot of folks home from Happy Valley shaking their heads.
We're talking about seperate things here, you realize right? I said the Iowa offense went AGAINST 7 top 20 defenses last year and another poster was like, well, yeah, those teams all play in the West so those #'s are inflated. To which I said, TOSU isn't in the West, Michigan isn't in the West. ISU is in the Big 12, Kentucky is in the SEC. Those teams weren't aided by playing the Big West Offenses every week. I realize we move the targets a lot and the debates go sideways but we're talking about different sides of the ball
I wasn't tracking with you. I follow now. And I agree with your separate point.
We're talking about seperate things here, you realize right? I said the Iowa offense went AGAINST 7 top 20 defenses last year and another poster was like, well, yeah, those teams all play in the West so those #'s are inflated. To which I said, TOSU isn't in the West, Michigan isn't in the West. ISU is in the Big 12, Kentucky is in the SEC. Those teams weren't aided by playing the Big West Offenses every week. I realize we move the targets a lot and the debates go sideways but we're talking about different sides of the ball

Defense skews geographically. Every team that plays the majority of its games in the upper midwest from the second week of October through the end of the season is almost automatically going to have a material advantage in yards and points over teams that play in the south or out west in the same time period. Playing at Camp Randall or in Minneapolis in November is damned near like having 13 guys on the field on defense. And Kinnick and Lincoln are damned near in the same boat. That is why having an expectation for Iowa to have an offense much higher than about 40th over a sustained period is probably a pipedream.
I am not sure what you are driving it here, but I think comparing the West to OSU and Michigan proves the point. The last time we played those teams they put up pinball numbers against our D (with the help of our O's incompetence). Despite the skewed games against the powers of the East, we still ended up being a Top 10 D because we feast of Fleck, Frost, Fitz and other incompetent offensive minds.

The West is simply bad offensively. Any D coordinator would crawl over his mother's twitching body to coach against Brian "25" Ferentz and the Western Fuckalong Gang.
Our D is great for the Big 10 West, one does wonder what it would be if we played in the SEC, Pack 12, or even the Big 10 East.
So far, three wins against cupcakes.
Now we move up to play against our peers.
This week will reveal a lot about this team.
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Averages will move up and down during the season. That's Data
I would think our D would take a small hit this weekend statistically. But, we still have Minny, NW, Illinois, and Nebbie to skew things positively on D. MSU and Purdue are not exactly lighting the world on fire either.
yeah, you clearly have a biased opinion every time you explain it that doesn't take in to count any facts or reality. Thank you for not subjecting me or the board to that again, no need to aplogize
No. It’s fans like you that simply don’t live in reality
I agree with your overall point of not being able to ever win with some folks. There is always a reason to hate.

But in fairness to your last stat, the Big Ten West is so putrid in offense across the board that it does not surprise me that it produces some of the best defenses. Its not hard to have a good defense when you are playing Iowa, Nebraska, NW, and Minnesota every year. :) Throw in 3 cupcakes in the preseason and statistically you look pretty good given who you are defending against. As I have argued elsewhere, Phil Parker would not be near the genius if he had been in the East or the SEC West the last ten years. But, it is what it is and we have been in the West, so.....

But to counter what you are saying, Iowa has been one of the teams that has been the best vs the BIG East teams for cross divisional games.
I do get what you are saying...but TOSU doesn't live in the West, ISU doesn't live in the West, Michigan, doesn't live in the West....KY doesn't live in the west.

Iowa did also play MN, WI and IL - all of which were at least better than average most of last season too and I get that their D #'s were likley aided by the strength of offenses last season... I still think Parkers a genius.

There can be no denial
Nor do you, Mr. Troll
I’m a bigger fan than you. Wanting more from and out of your program makes you more of a fan that is just happy to be there wearing black n gold overalls rooting for jim bartels, marcus schnoor, kyle mccann while living in a fantasy world. Talking about winning national titles with those teams after double digiting central Michigan
I’m a bigger fan than you. Wanting more from and out of your program makes you more of a fan that is just happy to be there wearing black n gold overalls rooting for jim bartels, marcus schnoor, kyle mccann while living in a fantasy world. Talking about winning national titles with those teams after double digiting central Michigan