Storming the Court


Well-Known Member
I've seen that our court-storming has got the attention of the media.

Scott Van Pelt ‏ @notthefakeSVP We have considered the info and say...thumbs down on Iowa storm. The CSC uses a sharp pencil and has ruled. (Iowa neither cares nor should)

I also saw comments on ESPN from just random posts, but my question is:

What is the big deal? Why shouldn't we have stormed the court?

I guess I am missing something... but why do people think we should not have stormed the court?

We swept Wisconsin (a rival) that is ranked #15 in the nation after some pretty awful years of Iowa basketball... where we got wooped pretty badly by them at times.

I can't say that I was expecting us to storm the court if we won, but I certainly am not against it and I don't think it was ridiculous for the fans to do it.

I realize that the majority of the people against the storming are probably Wisconsin fans, but I'm just curious. Thoughts? Am I missing something?

Edit: Posted what SVP had to say about Iowa and being on the bubble before I saw that Stormin made a thread on it. I apologize.

Just to be clear--I give the storming a thumbs up.
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I've seen that our court-storming has got the attention of the media.

Scott Van Pelt ‏ @notthefakeSVP We have considered the info and say...thumbs down on Iowa storm. The CSC uses a sharp pencil and has ruled. (Iowa neither cares nor should)

I also saw comments on ESPN from just random posts, but my question is:

What is the big deal? Why shouldn't we have stormed the court?

I guess I am missing something... but why do people think we should not have stormed the court?

We swept Wisconsin (a rival) that is ranked #15 in the nation after some pretty awful years of Iowa basketball... where we got wooped pretty badly by them at times.

I can't say that I was expecting us to storm the court if we won, but I certainly am not against it and I don't think it was ridiculous for the fans to do it.

Thoughts? Am I missing something?

Didn't bother me.
Storming should be banned. It's dangerous for fans and players. Especially players...because really, who cares about the fans.

However, it does pretty much guarantee you an appearance in the SC intro.
Screw the media, screw ESPN. This isn't about them. This is about Iowa's students becoming part of the program again. They can criticize it all they want, because in the end, they don't matter. All that matters are the players, the coaches and the fan base finally getting on the same page and supporting each other.
I say, go for it. If your happy and you know it.. storm the court. If your happy and you know it and you really want to show it.. storm the court.

It's a classic. Nothing wrong with showing the team your love for them. I doubt any players got hurt, except that wisky player who bounced his head off the floor.
I think we should storm the court on every win......why not???? Celebrate a win with the team...make it "our thing".

what's that? we just beat Tenn tech school for the blind? STORM THE COURT!

It's a game! It's supposed to be fun for fans and athletes..
normally i think Iowa fans storm the court and field way too often, but i have no problem with this one. i woulda been on that court
I think it's perfectly fine to storm the court this year...this isn't next year where we'll be expecting these wins a little more...this is the journey to get back to where we want to be...enjoy every moment of it.
I think it's perfectly fine to storm the court this year...this isn't next year where we'll be expecting these wins a little more...this is the journey to get back to where we want to be...enjoy every moment of it.

+1. I have no problem with it at all. After where this program has been, storm away. Our fans deserve the opportunity. They've had so little to cheer about until recently.
Hopefully they will storm the court after the NW game. :D

Hopefully they won't, but hopefully the Hawks beat NW. I'm all for storming the court after this win. I might be biased cause I'm a Hawks fan living in Wisconsin, but it was an outstanding win, it was an emotional game, why not? As for players possibly getting hurt, I doubt the players had any problem with it, and in fact loved it.
I just don't understand how those students got past the highly-trained security team assembled at CHA to prevent such unruly behavior.

Btw, who is the CSC? I'm assuming it stands for Court Storming Commissioner(something along those lines), but who is it? Because it sounds like SVP is actually in favor of Iowa storming the court and seems to like us from some of his tweets.

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