Stormin: What are you hearing from the incoming class

I have to think that any new hire is going to play up tempo basketball. All of these recruits would excel in that style of play in my opinion. I understand they are upset at this point, but I think it will end up being a great decision for each of them to stick with Iowa.
Re: Stormin: What you hearing from the incoming class

With all due respect,how would you expect things like this to go down?
They had to know he was not in a good position.
Maybe they need to spend some time finding out the inside scoop from the existing players and see who the new coach will be before they get too upset about it.

Pretty sure these guys have the inside scoop.
I'm not at all worried about it, as I think the new coach and his staff will be first and foremost great recruiters, so selling them on a school they already agreed to attend won't be that difficult.

I'm sure they're anxious, nervous and upset, but time heals wounds. Plus, they couldn't honestly think there was a real good chance Lick would be around for all 4 of their years anyway. The writing has been on the wall for a long time and they knew he was on the hot seat well before this went down.
It will be some kind of minor miracle if no players leave and all the recruits show up. If that happens then we will already know the new guy can recruit.
@roy_marblejr4 -its more than jus losin lick. loved the assistants n everybody on that staff smh

@roy_marblejr4: -i feel like if it wasnt already clicky n the iowa bb program it definetly will b nxt yr after this

Two recent tweets from Roy...
It will be some kind of minor miracle if no players leave and all the recruits show up. If that happens then we will already know the new guy can recruit.

You're not gonna start pulling the "We'll know what kind of coach we have" line again are you?

J/K :D
@roy_marblejr4 -its more than jus losin lick. loved the assistants n everybody on that staff smh

@roy_marblejr4: -i feel like if it wasnt already clicky n the iowa bb program it definetly will b nxt yr after this

Two recent tweets from Roy...

sadly that is the problem. it shouldn't take 5 years. the comments Lick made about shooting for .500 next year and about Gatens should hope for an NCAA tourney appearence his senior year may have hurt Lick also. It shouldn't take 5 years to get the program up. it hadn't fallen that far. plus if more players were to leave either this year or the next it would still be wait until year 6.
Also, mother is pretty discourage about what they have been reading on the message boards about their son...:eek:
Mother McCabe should know there are more idiots and trolls on message boards than sane people who only take life on the net .375 (which coincidentally is Lickliter's winning percentage at Iowa).
Am I the only one that is not concerned about the PR and how this was handled? The media and us on these boards are somewhat to blame as well.

The only thing I am dissappointed about is that it may have taken away a little from the womens selection (hopefully) tonight.

I think Barta did a nice job at the press conference and I will give him a pass on Lick. Probably won't be so forgiving if this hire flames out.

Go Hawks!

I agree. Not seeing how this was handled poorly by Barta. It sounds like he reached out to the players and recruits before today. Lickliter was calling recruits last night - not sure what he said to them.

I think the recruits really like Lickliter and this hurts them. It sure does puts to rest the rumor that was floating around in Jan that one of the recruits wanted out of his commitment.