Here's an idea Maryland - put together a better team, then you don't have to resort to gawd-awful uniforms and football fields designed by someone who has never watched a football game in his/her life to try to make your program relevant.
NCAA should mandate a green field. The ugly ones that are already in place can be grandfathered in. Problem solved.
...So Maryland can't wear any black at home then, right? Not even cleats?

Furthermore, guests should still be allowed to wear black cleats..
Could this soon be a reality? If Maryland plays fast and loose with the accepted parameters of reality, what is next? A purple JMU field? A TCU field made entirely out of drugs? A Florida turf comprised of arrests?

NCAA should mandate a green field. The ugly ones that are already in place can be grandfathered in. Problem solved.

Amen to that.

IIRC it can't work - already tried; Boise was grandfathered in with the stipulation that they couldn't replace the blue field, only "repair" it.
So they were "repairing" large sections to circumvent the rule.

Maybe I have it wrong, but that's what I'm remembering
A thermometer placed on our traditional green field turf last august registered at over 120 degrees. I can't imagine what a black field would get to. While nice, the rubber used in those surfaces acts as radiant heat on sunny days...

Common misconception, but a couple schools have put in these kind of fields recently. Central Arkansas comes to mind.

Also, fun fact...when i originally typed in "hobbiehawk" my iPad auto corrected it to "job org@asm"

Now you know...

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