
Bill Lynch from Indiana is another "passionate" coach. He's hilarious to watch when he's mad. I wonder if that's how he is at home. That's the kind of thing your teenagers would make fun of you over!
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My favorites were his antics after a reviewed call didn't go his way and he was still waving his arms as if the the officials were wrong! Coach Stoops, two or three trained professionals just reviewed the play in slow motion and they're all still wrong?
I realize Mike Stoops is a former Hawkeye, but I have to say having Kirk as our coach is an absolute dream.
Mike looked like a baby, a total D-bag and a tool all wrapped into one.
Makes me proud Kirk is full of class and doesn't act like this.
I would be embarrassed to be associated with this coach.
i don't care if he runs around on the sidelines and acts like an a**, but showing up your players for dropping a pass or missing a block is pathetic. a guy gets a personal foul or does something flagrant, you get in his a**, but staring down your players for a dropped pass here or a missed assignment there is bush league. hayden or kirk or even dan mccarney would never show up a kid in that way. classless boob IMO.
I dont mind a coach that gets a little fired up but when you are that out of control on every play then it loses all effect. If you get yelled at every play then your not thinking man I shouldnt do that again your thinking man hes an A$$.

As for KF if you want to tell what mood he is in just look to how fast he is chewing his gum. Id take Kirk on my side any day.
Stoops complained about virtually everything the other night. I've nicknamed him 'the human aneurism'. His team got penalized a bunch -- why? -- because they committed a hell of a lot of penalties. A couple of them were indeed borderline...However, the worst of the penalties was the penalty on Micah Hyde for PI, when he was shoulder-to-shoulder with the receiver, looking back for the ball...
I dont mind a coach that gets a little fired up but when you are that out of control on every play then it loses all effect. If you get yelled at every play then your not thinking man I shouldnt do that again your thinking man hes an A$$.

As for KF if you want to tell what mood he is in just look to how fast he is chewing his gum. Id take Kirk on my side any day.

Agree. As a coach, you have to pick your spots. Stoops was blowing gaskets on literally every play -- even on calls that were CLEARLY correct...
At least he looks like a coach that cares and wants to win. Ill take a coach like him than one that looked like Chizick at ISU, with the "get me out of here, its cold and women are fat" look.
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I love Mike and Bob Stoops both. Loved them as Hawks and am happy they are both turning out to be sucessfull as coaches.

Bielema...Not so much. Was never crazy about him as a player, like him even less as a coach. I'm sre some of that 9liking him less) is where he coaches now.
There was discussion in the past if Mike would be a candiate for the Iowa job if KF ever left. While it does not appeark KF is leaving anytime soon, I was thinking to myself during that game that I hope they would not bring in Mike Stoops. Total spaz. Something you expect to see from a little league dad, not a coach in big time D-1 football.
Yeah he embarrassed himself on national tv...not. You guys know his team won right? Rex Ryan and Jon Gruden are just a couple coaches they also bring attention to themselves, they seem to do alright. Why should we, as Iowa fans, care about the other coaches antics? We should just add that to the reasons we lost. Special Teams, O-Line, Mike Stoops antics...huh? SMH

Rex Ryan and Jon Gruden don't make spectacles out of themselves after every single play.

Even the fiery Cowher was composed most of of the game. None of those pro guys stomped up and down the sidelines like an insolent 3 year old the way Stoops and a lot of these other college coaches do.

You can be intense and still not look like a fruitcake.