Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe Locks - Week 5

Of course there's also the part of me that enjoys pointing out the mistakes of others, espcially when the other or so self righteous in their views, specifically those pertianing to other peoples lifestyles.

I'd be dishonest myself if I claimed that wasn't a factor.

confident of one's own righteousness, esp. when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.

You are calling him out for being self righteous because of his views and that he is intolerant of others.

I'm just curious why you can't accept and tolerate his view, even though you don't agree? Could you then in fact be called self righteous as well?
I didn't say I had friends who make picks using solely the stuff Deace Posts, I said I didn't want anyone influenced by his picks without first having accurate information on that persons record.

As for me I'm don't post what games I bet on because I'm not here pimping myself as knowledgable handicapper. For the season I'm one game under .500 in real money. I do little to no research on who I pick other than the football that I watch on the weekends. I have no inside knowledge nor do I claim to be a good handicapper.

I don't think I've ever layed out 11 games in a week because quite simply I don't ever have strong enough feelings about 11 games in a week after taking a quick glance at the teams and the line. I generally prefer picking NFL games because it's easier to find lines that are close to 0 which in essence becomes a pick em situation, and I find that much easier to do that than to try and pick a double figure spread in college.

If you really want to see them here are the games I've got money on this week ($5 a pop). I'll say up front anyone who uses my bets or logic in helping make up thier own minds are idiots, because when it comes to this stuff I'm an idiot myself.

ISU +7 at Texas Tech: I think it's a reputation spread. Texas Tech is undergoing a system change, and they are playing thier first true road game of the year, even if it is in a HS stadium. I caught about 1 quarter of thie loss to a mediocre texas team and they didn't impress.

NW -5 1/2 vs MN: Minnesota fricken sucks and NW is quietly a very solid football team.

Baltimore +1 1/2 vs Steelers: Yes the Steelers are 3 and 0. Yes the game is at home. Yes Charlie Batch played very very well last week, and Flacco has been inconsistent. But... Baltimore's d compared to the Bucs is Varsity compared to JV, Charlie Batch is about 74 years old and is thier 3rd string QB, and you can argue the Ravens are a better team even with Ben in there. Rarely do you get the chance to get points while taking the better team, and I think you do here.

Seattle -1 1/2 vs Rams: Seattle has looked pretty solid this year, the Rams are... the Rams and they have a Rookie QB. I'd take the field at -1 1/2 against the Rams 17 straight weeks if I could this season.

Bears +4 vs Giants: Before I saw the line I was expecting it to be around +2. When I saw it was +4 i bet it. The bears are a solid football team, and right now the Giants have trouble stopping the run and next to the Cowboys are the most mistake prone football team in the NFL. The Giants might win, I just think 4 points is too much.

New England -1 1/2 vs Miami: They arent the Patriots from 3 years ago, but they are still the Patriots. I like thier chances of beating a mediocre Miami team by a FG.

There you go, 6 picks by me that will be lucky to go 3 and 3, then again I don't think I've ever bragged about picking 56% winners here or anywhere else.

Fair enough.
confident of one's own righteousness, esp. when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.

You are calling him out for being self righteous because of his views and that he is intolerant of others.

I'm just curious why you can't accept and tolerate his view, even though you don't agree? Could you then in fact be called self righteous as well?

I don't utilize radio show to broadcast my views to a mass audience. I don't try to persuade anyone else to my line of thinking, nor do I advocate that my beliefs be legislated. In fact I haven't even indicated which of Steve' views I disagree with, an opporunity no self righteous person would pass up.
i agree with duff here. steve even said that this was the ONE time he has ever been wrong in the 4 years he has been doing this (more like, this is probably the first time someone checked back at his results).

is it a big deal? of course not. but if someone does this, might as well be truthful about the record.
I could care less about the record. I enjoy seeing picks week to week. Regardless of how he has faired....Steve knows more about college football than all of us combined.
Regardless of what his previous record for picks are... I would have to say they don't look good. What are the intentions here anyhow? Very odd.
Of course there's also the part of me that enjoys pointing out the mistakes of others, espcially when the other or so self righteous in their views, specifically those pertianing to other peoples lifestyles.

I'd be dishonest myself if I claimed that wasn't a factor.

It's his show, so he can say what he wants. It's pretty obvious that tons of people are listening and that he's talented, or he wouldn't still be on the air...and my guess is that really ticks you off.

It's funny to me that people who lean left politically (and I'm not saying that you do...but from your opposition to his worldview, it's a pretty safe bet) preach tolerance on one hand, but when it's a conservative talking, they toss them under the bus immediately and call them "self righteous" and the like. All tolerance goes out the window if it's a right winger. That's a classic lefty double-standard right there.
It's his show, so he can say what he wants. It's pretty obvious that tons of people are listening and that he's talented, or he wouldn't still be on the air...and my guess is that really ticks you off.

It's funny to me that people who lean left politically (and I'm not saying that you do...but from your opposition to his worldview, it's a pretty safe bet) preach tolerance on one hand, but when it's a conservative talking, they toss them under the bus immediately and call them "self righteous" and the like. All tolerance goes out the window if it's a right winger. That's a classic lefty double-standard right there.

See thats just it. Yes I lean left/liberal/progressive whatever you want to call it. The difference is I have tolerance of other peoples views. If you don't believe in gay marraige fine. I don't care if you recognize gay my college roomates marraige as long as the state does legally. You don't like abortion, thats fine too, I'm not sure I do either, but don't tell others they have to have your own consciencious objections.

It's not about my beliefs or your beleifs, its about trying to say others must share them, or live thier lives by them.

That being said that's a political discussion based on feelings and or belief systems, and this is a discussion about fact, and the fact is Steve is being dishonest about his record as a handicapper.
See thats just it. Yes I lean left/liberal/progressive whatever you want to call it. The difference is I have tolerance of other peoples views. If you don't believe in gay marraige fine. I don't care if you recognize gay my college roomates marraige as long as the state does legally. You don't like abortion, thats fine too, I'm not sure I do either, but don't tell others they have to have your own consciencious objections.

It's not about my beliefs or your beleifs, its about trying to say others must share them, or live thier lives by them.

That being said that's a political discussion based on feelings and or belief systems, and this is a discussion about fact, and the fact is Steve is being dishonest about his record as a handicapper.

This. Great Christian example for your kids there, Steve.
I could care less about the record. I enjoy seeing picks week to week. Regardless of how he has faired....Steve knows more about college football than all of us combined.

'steve knows more about college football than all of us combined'

except when it comes to stone cold upsets and lead pipe locks. cherry picking games on top of it. couldn't you do just as well flipping a coin to make the picks?
GREAT thread

Its amazing its at 30 replies over something that doesnt matter at all...unless you want to make it into a big deal, then it matters
See thats just it. Yes I lean left/liberal/progressive whatever you want to call it. The difference is I have tolerance of other peoples views. If you don't believe in gay marraige fine. I don't care if you recognize gay my college roomates marraige as long as the state does legally. You don't like abortion, thats fine too, I'm not sure I do either, but don't tell others they have to have your own consciencious objections.

It's not about my beliefs or your beleifs, its about trying to say others must share them, or live thier lives by them.

That being said that's a political discussion based on feelings and or belief systems, and this is a discussion about fact, and the fact is Steve is being dishonest about his record as a handicapper.


You have tolerance? Really? When someone espouses a conservative viewpoint, you aren't tolerant at all. The left always plays the "don't push your morality on me" card when a conservative says something they don't like. That's being completely intolerant. A different viewpoint does NOT mean that anything is being forced upon you. It's just a different opinion.

And since when does a mistake (or two) equate dishonesty? Apparently, when said mistake(s) comes from someone that you don't like, then you decide that person is a liar.
Someone is channeling "hawkfaninTX" and ODing on viagara.

You have tolerance? Really? When someone espouses a conservative viewpoint, you aren't tolerant at all. The left always plays the "don't push your morality on me" card when a conservative says something they don't like. That's being completely intolerant. A different viewpoint does NOT mean that anything is being forced upon you. It's just a different opinion.

And since when does a mistake (or two) equate dishonesty? Apparently, when said mistake(s) comes from someone that you don't like, then you decide that person is a liar.


You have tolerance? Really? When someone espouses a conservative viewpoint, you aren't tolerant at all. The left always plays the "don't push your morality on me" card when a conservative says something they don't like. That's being completely intolerant. A different viewpoint does NOT mean that anything is being forced upon you. It's just a different opinion.

And since when does a mistake (or two) equate dishonesty? Apparently, when said mistake(s) comes from someone that you don't like, then you decide that person is a liar.

It's pretty easy to spot the idiot in the room. They speak of generalities and use them to describe the thoughts or opinions of the individual.

I could give Steve the benefit of the doubt on his first mistake, but then he claimed it was an honest one and he had never made one before, and it turns out he had, only two weeks earlier. Then he made a third mistake, the week after we had the discussion of the first one he admitted to and the second one he didnt.

One mistake is an honest one, two is a supicious one, a third is a pattern. So I have to decide if Steve made 3 separate mistakes in a skill they teach in the 1st grade or if he's demonstrating a pattern of dishonsety. I'm thinking it's the latter.
Maybe I'm just not seeing the big picture here, being an idiot and all, but I enjoy reading Steve's thoughtful discussions about this weekends upcoming games. I'm so ignornant of the facts, that I don't even pay attention to his "won-loss" record. Maybe I should find a site that discusses college sports...oh wait.

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