Still Outback Bowl??

A 7-5 team at the Outback bowl..scraping the bottom. When was the last time the Outback took a 7-5 team?

I just went over to the Outback bowl site and voted for Indiana vs Vanderbuilt.

i believe the guy like two posts before you said 7-5 team has gone the last two years.
We need the extra practices to develop our younger players.

It doesn't matter which bowl game picks Iowa; the extra practices really matter. This coaching staff needs to go back to the drawing board and the extra practices give them that opportunity.
i am in agreement with hawkfanintx. the outback bowl loves iowa. i am not sure what kind of turn out we would have fan wise. maybe 15,000-20,000? i am very disappointed with the turn out this year; however, they are going to a bowl game which means extra practices to get things turned around.
Iowa should decline an invitation to any other football game this season and let a team that would appreciate it go instead, say Indiana or Minnesota, both teams that won yesterday. The bowl committees, it's true, have a bunch of junk to choose from after the top three in the Big Ten this time around...
Iowa should decline an invitation to any other football game this season and let a team that would appreciate it go instead, say Indiana or Minnesota, both teams that won yesterday. The bowl committees, it's true, have a bunch of junk to choose from after the top three in the Big Ten this time around...

Please don't watch the bowl game then..
I don't agree at all with the people who are saying Iowa should refuse a bowl bid. But I will be ****** if Iowa goas into a bowl with the same failed system. It might work in some years, but not this one. Shake things up a bit.

Also, name an effing DC! This DC by committee thing shows amazing lack of leadership! Make a tough decision once in your life KF!

Finally, if some players have their sights too strongly on the NFL to give their all right now, let them go get ready for the show. It would be easy enough. I mean does anyone really know what is wrong with both Gettis and MacMillan? Just give the undisclosed injury comment and be over with it.

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