Stick a fork in it

I'm fine with your targets and your expectations, you fan how you want to fan. I have high expectations as well, I just don't think meeting an unrealistic goal should require blowing up your program and starting over. We have years of data to look at. How many years has Iowa ever met them regardless of coach? Not often. That doesn't sound like a Fran problem and IMO it points out the reality of Iowa and where you're expectations and bar should be at. I would like to see Iowa make the NCAA in 4 out of 5 seasons routinely. If they don't, I want a good explanation - as in a huge class graduates, a injury or something extreme. 2 years ago they had a huge class graduate and missed the dance by a game. I was ok with it. Last year I was not ok with. But, I wanted to afford a good coach the opportunity to right his wrong. He's done that for me already. The target for this program after last season was to get back to the NCAA. How could it not be after last year? Now that looks like a certain & people are changing the target....that way you can always be disappointed
Could you please explain what you are ok with, and what you want?
Maybe it's better late than never.

He was already bounced from one school by his coach (Nebraska) Then, in December his efforts to get under Connor's skin inspired the wrong team (for Jacobson) and the Clones got nice thrashing in the process. Then he tried to incite a near riot at the buzzer. But perhaps he's finally maturing.:p

Of course, we will see him up there next year. In the meantime, the Clones hang on to a five seed in Joe Lunatic Lunardi's bracketology like it's an inherited right and if anything will move up to a four if they beat Texas Tech later this week.
Ironic....they started struggling when Hoiberg came back and visited the team. They haven’t been the same since.
I still can't get over the fact that right now Iowa is 3 *****MIRACLE***** finishes from being 0 for their past 6. It literally took 3 f'ing miracles for us to win 3 of our last 6 games.
It could be worse. Iowa State is 2-4 in their last 6 and took a beating at WV tonight. An ISU friend tells me there was a fight in the locker room...pregame or halftime. I was only half listening.
It could be worse. Iowa State is 2-4 in their last 6 and took a beating at WV tonight. An ISU friend tells me there was a fight in the locker room...pregame or halftime. I was only half listening.

The fight I guess was in practice, and was when Shayok broke his toe. Then this happened on the court at WVU. I am going to guess that team gets gutted after the season, with several leaving early or transfering.
I wish we could make fun of ISU for their troubles... But our season isn't exactly going strait up now either.
I wish we could make fun of ISU for their troubles... But our season isn't exactly going strait up now either.

Why WOULDN'T we make fun of ISU for what is going on? ISU is 2-5 in their last 7 games. They just had a player injured in a practice altercation, and they just had two on court situations that the optics were HORRIBLE! I'm gonna make fun of that every day and twice on Saturday.
Why WOULDN'T we make fun of ISU for what is going on? ISU is 2-5 in their last 7 games. They just had a player injured in a practice altercation, and they just had two on court situations that the optics were HORRIBLE! I'm gonna make fun of that every day and twice on Saturday.

Plus scoreboard!
It's a total poopshow right now that's for sure.

When you refuse to hold 18-22 year old kids accountable, this is what you get. How Prohm has handled Lard over the last 2 years gives you a perfect window into how he deals with team/player issues (IE he doesn't). Reading what Prohm said to Randy Petersen is just jaw dropping. Is he totally clueless for god's sake? He says he doesn't know if punches were thrown, but then later he says nobody kicked anyone. Well which is it dummy, do you know what happened or not? If you don't know, then don't say something didn't happen. If you do know, don't be a chicken shit and say you don't know.

From all accounts after the workout, players went at each other on the way to the locker room to the extent that Shayok injured his left foot and didn’t play against the Mountaineers in what is now the Cyclones’ fifth loss in seven games.

Were punches thrown? “I don’t know,” Prohm said. “I wasn’t there for the whole deal. I caught the tail end of it.”

Social media ran rampant with claims that Shayok broke a bone in a toe after allegedly becoming frustrated with the tension and kicking a door.

“We had a really physical practice Monday,” Prohm said. “We needed one. We went back to the old-school form of pre-season type practice. We need to get some of the softness out and get back to some physicality, and it carried over a little bit.

“That’s it. No more, no less than that. There’s no big stories. It happens all the time. I’ve had it happen probably every year at some point.”

But what about Shayok, who didn’t want to speak with reporters Wednesday?

“We had a couple scuffles and pushes,” Prohm explained. “That’s life. We had a physical practice That’s it.

“(Shayok) got tangled up. That’s it. They were by the door. The door got open and (his foot) got caught. Nobody kicked a door. Nobody kicked anybody. That’s not what happened.”
It starts at the top. Take the Iowa game for example. Prohm totally ignores the belligerent and aggressive behavior on the court and goes running right after Iowa players. In both on court situations his players obviously started the confrontations. Instead of dealing with and addressing his players, he targets Iowa players, giving his players a complete pass.
Why WOULDN'T we make fun of ISU for what is going on? ISU is 2-5 in their last 7 games. They just had a player injured in a practice altercation, and they just had two on court situations that the optics were HORRIBLE! I'm gonna make fun of that every day and twice on Saturday.
Only because I don't feel too great about where we are I suppose. No I get it and 3 weeks ago I'd be piling on too. It's more my mood towards our group then anything.
The Rutgers shot was a miracle. But so was their shot before it. We were in position to win before miracles started occurring.

The bounce Rutgers got was nothing compared to the shot the Weise threw up. He missed badly but caught a miracle.
Why WOULDN'T we make fun of ISU for what is going on? ISU is 2-5 in their last 7 games. They just had a player injured in a practice altercation, and they just had two on court situations that the optics were HORRIBLE! I'm gonna make fun of that every day and twice on Saturday.

This X a 1000. We have to hear all the time on how superior the ISU program supposedly is compared to Iowa. lol, I am going to eat this shit up when "#blueblood" has issues.

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