Steve Deace just predicted

I agree with Deace... Many of you just hate anyone that speaks against anything Iowa... Rome, Forde, Doyel, Deace.. they all just **** you off because they speak out against Iowa.

Well, fine, you little Ames twit, go ahead agree with an idiot like Deace.

This has been a difficult year. But Kirk Ferentz is no quitter, unlike the last guy you clowns had in Ames. He will manage through this and be just fine.
KF won't get fired....This won't become an issue until at least the youngest kid is out of high school. If junior decides to play ball somewhere other than Iowa, then I can see KF stepping down and moving on at that point.
Lute Olson didn't leave because of the Iowa media. Is the reason he left Long Beach State?

Who is giving Ferentz more static over this? Local or national media? I'd say national.

Has to local. KXNO's T and T, and the M and M boys have just been hammering him for days now. Jon's article a couple of ays ago shows he do is now been kind about this situation.
I for one enjoy listening to Deace. Although I admit I'm a conservative, and tend to agree with what he talks about. I don't agree with Maddow and Matthews most of the time, but I refrain from getting on message boards and calling them "morons", "idiots", and "DB's". I heard plenty of this hypocrytical rhetoric after Tuscon that I thought people would lay off the personal attacks for awhile. Steve has people on his show all the time that he disagree's with...and they actually "discuss" the issues!?! And they do it without calling each other DB's.
As far as the Hawks and Coach Ferentz go...I'm getting a little sick of it. I don't have any idea what happened to those 13 players, but my gut and experience tell me that neither Coach Doyle or the Hawkeye coaching staff in general are to blame. Seems like a workout that was not uncommon over the years. But I can't get past Coach Ferentz's laissez-faire attitude whenever these issues come up, and I get tired of defending the Iowa program several times a year. I actually had someone tell me it's bad timing that the rape trial, DJK drug bust, Adam Robinson drug bust, and the players getting put in the hospital, all kind of happened around the same time. Really? You're worried about the timing? I love Hawkeye football and dreams of contending for Big Ten and National Championships, but at some point we have to wonder what price we are willing to pay as a State for those dreams. Black eye, after black eye, after black eye, seems a little excessive. Those players, those coaches, and that team, represent our State...
I for one enjoy listening to Deace. Although I admit I'm a conservative, and tend to agree with what he talks about. I don't agree with Maddow and Matthews most of the time, but I refrain from getting on message boards and calling them "morons", "idiots", and "DB's". I heard plenty of this hypocrytical rhetoric after Tuscon that I thought people would lay off the personal attacks for awhile. Steve has people on his show all the time that he disagree's with...and they actually "discuss" the issues!?! And they do it without calling each other DB's.
As far as the Hawks and Coach Ferentz go...I'm getting a little sick of it. I don't have any idea what happened to those 13 players, but my gut and experience tell me that neither Coach Doyle or the Hawkeye coaching staff in general are to blame. Seems like a workout that was not uncommon over the years. But I can't get past Coach Ferentz's laissez-faire attitude whenever these issues come up, and I get tired of defending the Iowa program several times a year. I actually had someone tell me it's bad timing that the rape trial, DJK drug bust, Adam Robinson drug bust, and the players getting put in the hospital, all kind of happened around the same time. Really? You're worried about the timing? I love Hawkeye football and dreams of contending for Big Ten and National Championships, but at some point we have to wonder what price we are willing to pay as a State for those dreams. Black eye, after black eye, after black eye, seems a little excessive. Those players, those coaches, and that team, represent our State...

First of all...IT'S A GAME!
Secondly, there was most definitely a reason, one we might NEVER know, but a reason why KF did NOT return.
Third, most of what we have "heard" has come via twitter and social media....and we still have a billion unanswered questions.

Unfortunately, there are the majority of people making assumptions and stamping "guilty" on the entire program, yet nothing directly makes it "their" fault. We might never know the details. KF may have been protecting the players because of what they did, or it may have been a PR goofup. Anyway you cut it, we don't know and we won't know. Move on.
if he knew so damn much about college football, why are his picks no better than 50/50.......or why are his predictions usually so his commentary on Harbaugh and know, Harbaugh cutting his knees on glass to get back to the Wolves.......

knowledge does not equal foreknowledge
I actually think that Deace is incredibly smart and talented. He's making a prediction that people don't like. I don't think that changes any of that.
I actually think that Deace is incredibly smart and talented. He's making a prediction that people don't like. I don't think that changes any of that.

He's making a prediction that people don't like because that's his MO. I don't think there are a lot of people that question whether or not Deace is intelligent.
Have you seen him

I had to look the guy up on the internet as I had no clue who he was, other than you know, a DB. Apparently a AM radio guy, more political than anything. These guys, especially on the cutting edge like AM radio, have to stir the pot for ratings. And until the facts are in, that is all he is doing.

Kind of like the losers that politicized the shooting in Arizona for their own ratings benefit. Shame on them, and shame to those who choose to listen to them. Wait for the facts and then make judgements. Work to see those that investigate have no biases or interests to protect. And avoid this happening again-here and elsewhere.
I listened to Deace long enough in my life to know that he's just taking an educated guess on the situation. I don't think it's a shot at Iowa he's just thinking that Kirk just got to be getting sick of all the off field situations that he has to deal with in college athletics. And once James has graduated he could very easily chose to move on. Not saying that he will, but I worry about that exact scenario happening some day.
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