Steve Deace just predicted


Well-Known Member
just caught the end of what he was saying on his show, but it was the predictions part of the Friday roundtable.

He said that KF had just coached his last season at Iowa, or that this upcoming season would be his last. didn't say whether he predicted he was leaving due to being fired or resignation.

In '08, he predicted that he'd be fired for the sexual assault case.

I guess if you predict it enough, sooner or later you'll be right.....kinda like his football picks.

maybe he can chime in and clarify exactly what he said.
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If he is not fired and does not resign then how is he not returning??

he didn't say he wasn't returning because he'd be fired, or wasn't returning due to resignation. he just said he wasn't returning. in '08 he actually said he'd be fired, so not sure if he is making that same prediction or what he sees playing out. either way, i'm sure he's salivating at the possibilities.
Kind of reminds me when Lute Olson left. Lute was so tired of the media here and the ridicule. Just a thought.
I guess I'll send my diploma back to Iowa City since Deace says Iowa is such a disgrace and so corrupt and evil.
I'll have to edit my resume, too.
Did Deace graduate from a university or college? Does anyone know which one?
F'n tool.
Steve Deace is another one of those guys that likes to sling the occasional extremist viewpoint from time to time.

Ever listen to his radio show? It's like Rush Limbaugh on conservative steroids.
Kind of reminds me when Lute Olson left. Lute was so tired of the media here and the ridicule. Just a thought.

Lute Olson didn't leave because of the Iowa media. Is the reason he left Long Beach State?

Who is giving Ferentz more static over this? Local or national media? I'd say national.
Lute Olson didn't leave because of the Iowa media. Is the reason he left Long Beach State?

Who is giving Ferentz more static over this? Local or national media? I'd say national.

I think Maddow, Pelosi and the libruhls are giving KF the most heat.
I do pray for the players and feel badly that something went wrong. I hope and look forward to their full recovery.

I hope Coach Ferentz does not call it quits because he is feed up and just keeps in mind which media had his back and which did not. He has my permission as a fan not to answer a single question from any of these radio and newspaper detractors that have continually spewed hate at every opportunity.

The best revenge is to take this program to new heights and when that happens thumb our noses at all of those interview requests and attempts to jump on the bandwagon.
Yeah he gets $3 mil a year to coach at a place where he can go 7-5, 8-4, and sprinkle in an ocassional 9-3 & 10-2 season and never worry about losing his job. He isn't going anywhere and he sure as heck isn't getting fired.
Steve Deace seems to be a well read and interesting person. However I would be shocked if he had the credit hours to be a junior in college. My guess is he started at one point or another, but considered his 'intelligence" above that of his teachers. On top of that he doesn't strike me as one that has drive to finish what he starts.
My god I hope he really does not really believe some of the stuff that comes out of his own mouth. He is a tool, I remember how much he was bragging about how ISU looked like an SEC team physically during Chezik's 1st year. Good god he says some dumb things.
I don't now which misguided media thread is best to post this so I choose this one. The function of media in 2011 is to drive ratings. This leads to more advertisers, thus being able to charge more for advertising. Ultimately leads to a healthier bottom line for the entities involved. As a capitalist, I appreciate all of the aforementioned steps. One, however, must always keep in mind what the goal of the parties involved is. By doing so, one inherently avoids reacting to the mindless, senseless drivel. All of the individual media members that have been cited in the myriad posts regarding this topic ultimately want to increase attention to themselves. That's ok. That's how the media works in 2011. Just don't fall for it or be too wound up about it. The majority of their comments are of an "Op-Ed" nature, not news. So to Steve, Pat Forde, Doyel, Schad, and anyone else creating commentary on this topic, it isn't journalism.
I don't now which misguided media thread is best to post this so I choose this one. The function of media in 2011 is to drive ratings. This leads to more advertisers, thus being able to charge more for advertising. Ultimately leads to a healthier bottom line for the entities involved. As a capitalist, I appreciate all of the aforementioned steps. One, however, must always keep in mind what the goal of the parties involved is. By doing so, one inherently avoids reacting to the mindless, senseless drivel. All of the individual media members that have been cited in the myriad posts regarding this topic ultimately want to increase attention to themselves. That's ok. That's how the media works in 2011. Just don't fall for it or be too wound up about it. The majority of their comments are of an "Op-Ed" nature, not news. So to Steve, Pat Forde, Doyel, Schad, and anyone else creating commentary on this topic, it isn't journalism.

I think you should post this in all of them.

Jon can we get a sticky? Will you just replace the Hawkeye Nation logo with this text?
I personally do not know who this guy Deace is. I have only been back in this area for a few years, but I honestly can't place him. I've always taken it from reading info here that he is a clone fan, but I have always wondered why it appears that he "and his picks" are so revered over here on our Iowa board. Please someone fill me in on the positives of why he is mentioned so often.
Steve Deace is a DB.

Have you seen him, he's more of a 19th string left guard for the clowns.

If he gets a reaction out of anyone, he's doing his job - shock jock radio. As long as he doesn't say anything that could get him sued, he's all good.

Just another moron on the radio. My advice......change the channel.
I personally do not know who this guy Deace is. I have only been back in this area for a few years, but I honestly can't place him. I've always taken it from reading info here that he is a clone fan, but I have always wondered why it appears that he "and his picks" are so revered over here on our Iowa board. Please someone fill me in on the positives of why he is mentioned so often.

He and Jon are friends.
Steve had a sports talk radio show on his own and with Jon.
Steve follows sports closely.
Steve is a bigot and intolerant of views that differ from his.
Jon seems to look up to Steve.
People on this board seem to revere Steve, but feign outrage when he rears up and says something controversial as he's prone to do.

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