Steele Jantz the next Seneca Wallace? - Iowa State Daily

Hmmm. Big time players step up in big time games? So, does this mean that Northern Iowa was a "big time" game for the 'Clones?
This is a case study in faulty logic:
Seneca Wallace = Victory over Iowa
Steele Jantz ~ Seneca Wallace
Therefore: Steele Jantz = Victory over Iowa
The Iowa State Daily is a piece of garbage student news paper. The people writing the articles were in grade school when Seneca played.

Don't get your panties all in a bunch over nothing. I'm sure the UofI student newspaper has some pretty wacko stuff too.
It's unfair to put that on Jantz. Wallace was a once in a lifetime talent, and would be for a lot of teams..given what he could do with his legs and arm. Jantz may well grow into a very good and dangerous QB, but man give the kid some time.
It's unfair to put that on Jantz. Wallace was a once in a lifetime talent, and would be for a lot of teams..given what he could do with his legs and arm. Jantz may well grow into a very good and dangerous QB, but man give the kid some time.
Pretty much this. Jantz may well turn out to be a good QB, but we've seen one damn game, not to mention it was one game where he played horribly for 55 minutes. Maybe we can hold off on the Seneca talk until like game 6 atleast.
It's unfair to put that on Jantz. Wallace was a once in a lifetime talent, and would be for a lot of teams..given what he could do with his legs and arm. Jantz may well grow into a very good and dangerous QB, but man give the kid some time.

you need to step back and give ol' Rusty the credit he is do. take off the hawkeye blinders.
The Iowa State Daily is a piece of garbage student news paper. The people writing the articles were in grade school when Seneca played.

Don't get your panties all in a bunch over nothing. I'm sure the UofI student newspaper has some pretty wacko stuff too.

No bunched panties, just laughing at it.
It's very funny to me when stereotypes show up in real life.

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