Stanzi chant


Well-Known Member
Don't know if you could hear it on TV, or if the announcers said anything, but the chant of 'U-S-A, U-S-A' when Stanzi took the field was pretty good!
I'm glad you posted this. I thought it was great. Wonder if he heard it? Did you also hear the band play 'Born in the USA' when he came back in and a couple of other times when he did something big?
I noticed the "Born in the U.S.A." I thought that was classic too

It's pretty funny how this thing has taken off. I think it was an inside joke originally with roommates and I'm pretty sure Ricky is just running with it and it's still kind of a big joke. He may be somewhat patriotic or even indifferent but now I think he's just playing it up to be funny. If he's not, then it's even more hilarious.
im just waiting for the next quote from stanzi!

ppl were posting on facebook that they were sick of stanzi and wanted vandy?? ppl high?

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