Stanley Quote

So I was listening to KCJJ on the radio and the announcer read a Stanley quote on the air. It went something like this.....

"I've improved my foot work and I'm faster at reading plays, but I still have a long ways to go."

That last part worries me. A long ways to go into becoming a really good QB? Are we stuck with an average or below average QB here? I'm sure you can read into it in different ways.

I don't know where you get that. The papers I read, had these quotes. I'm a bit shocked frankly.

"I'm a damn sight better than that fking Wyoming quarter back, i think"

"the way I see it, we'll whip their asses and kick their buts back across the Missouri river"

"If they drop the bar of soap in Nebraska, tell them, don't bend over to pick it up, just kick it all the way back to Laramie."

"I hate their brown and yellow, I mean who does that besides a national park sign?"

I think he's just being humble and trying to fit into KF's system. JR was closer to this personality than was CJ. We pretty much know with all things being equal, which one KF would prefer for the KF Way. Probably means game manager season coming up as opposed to a maverick "gamer" type.

Seriously though, everyone should re-evaluate themselves periodically. Always room for improvement. The difference is admitting it publicly.

NEWS FLASH! A coach prefers it "his way".

Now back to your regularly scheduled posts.
So I was listening to KCJJ on the radio and the announcer read a Stanley quote on the air. It went something like this.....

"I've improved my foot work and I'm faster at reading plays, but I still have a long ways to go."

That last part worries me. A long ways to go into becoming a really good QB? Are we stuck with an average or below average QB here? I'm sure you can read into it in different ways.

You need to read that DJK story from last year. More directly KF doesn't like braggadocios players... he reigns them in on very consistent basis. It may be subliminal but the kid is saying what the head coach has cultured him to say.
I'm telling you right now...this kid is ready. If he beat out Weigers, with a summer and fall camp under his means he wasn't having any trouble with the playbook. The fact when CJ got hurt against NDSU, and he stepped in without hesitation...tells you something. That was impressive.

Fast forward a full season later...another summer, and another fall camp. I think he's ready. I will tell you this, we have some speed on our roster...Stanley's going to be taking some shots down the field against Wyoming. One of their safeties plays LB. That leaves alot of room in the middle of the field...expect some shots. You will also see Fant exploiting the deep middle and a back...Wadley most likely...both will most likely be against linebackers.
Stanley Quote: Well Dick, here's the deal. I'm the best there is plain and simple. I mean, I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence. You know, nobody can hang with my stuff, I'm just a big, hairy American winning machine. If you ain't first you're last ! You know? You know what I mean !!!! Mic Drop!
I'm telling you right now...this kid is ready. If he beat out Weigers, with a summer and fall camp under his means he wasn't having any trouble with the playbook. The fact when CJ got hurt against NDSU, and he stepped in without hesitation...tells you something. That was impressive.

Fast forward a full season later...another summer, and another fall camp. I think he's ready. I will tell you this, we have some speed on our roster...Stanley's going to be taking some shots down the field against Wyoming. One of their safeties plays LB. That leaves alot of room in the middle of the field...expect some shots. You will also see Fant exploiting the deep middle and a back...Wadley most likely...both will most likely be against linebackers.
I sure hope what you say is right. I think so and it makes sense. I wonder how aggressively they'll take some shots down the field too. If teams are going to stack the box as much as they should we should get plenty of one on one matchups outside to do just that...
I think he's just being humble and trying to fit into KF's system. JR was closer to this personality than was CJ. We pretty much know with all things being equal, which one KF would prefer for the KF Way. Probably means game manager season coming up as opposed to a maverick "gamer" type.

Seriously though, everyone should re-evaluate themselves periodically. Always room for improvement. The difference is admitting it publicly.
Actually JR was/is at an intelligence level so above everyone, that no one talked to him. That's coming from the players. I was told, that as a freshman he'd be sitting in rooms reading chemical engineering books while everyone else was chatting about life in general... JR had a hard time connecting with people.
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