Sonnen vs. Olaseni (Stormin' vs. Herby)

will have to have one of the kids start it for me.
alot feel that Gabe won't a solid contributor til his SR year, he is proving most were wrong

Red, sometimes it is smart to walk away from a fight, and agree to disagree. There probably isn't a nicer guy or more loyal Hawk fan than Stormin. Hard to argue about trivial college sports issues in the wake of the Conn. school shootings. God bless their families!
I just love
Seeing herb derbs
Sentences. Great stuff
Why does he do this
Will never
Know but it is
Classic. Keep up the good
Work herb
no , some of you don't know how to read as ther is a post detailing my limitations
you try typing with you off hand because you lost the use of your primary hand due to a stroke
no , some of you don't know how to read as ther is a post detailing my limitations
you try typing with you off hand because you lost the use of your primary hand due to a stroke

I was not aware herby and I am a big enough man to apologize. I am sorry herb. I will not jab at that anymore. I will however tease you mercifully about 40 times and weights however.
I was not aware herby and I am a big enough man to apologize. I am sorry herb. I will not jab at that anymore. I will however tease you mercifully about 40 times and weights however.
agreed tease away, but I am not going to stop because it does give info to people who don't follow recruiting that closely
no , some of you don't know how to read as ther is a post detailing my limitations
you try typing with you off hand because you lost the use of your primary hand due to a stroke

i am just testing thi out. I am typing this with my off hand. I actually do see why you skip the caps button, as it is a pain in the a$$. plus i see why you leave typos, as i now have to look down to type.

Now I'm back to two hands. Before ya'll give Herby h@ll about the typos or punctuation, try posting like that for a week, and you will see why his post are like they are. Herby, have you ever tried any voice to text programs?

Onto the other stuff though. You must get fired up, to take the time to post just to go after some people. Just let it drop, you don't have to attack everyone who doesn't agree with you......others can still love the Hawks even when they don't agree with you! :D
no , some of you don't know how to read as ther is a post detailing my limitations
you try typing with you off hand because you lost the use of your primary hand due to a stroke

Good post vogs. I'm not going to bag on a guy with a health condition.
What Herby continually fails to realize is that we don't make fun of him solely on the basis of his typing ability. He posts crap to get people riled up, then anyone who disagrees with him is a moron who lacks the kind of vision he has regarding college football or basketball. We poke him with a sharp stick because he acts like a dick. The poor typing is just the easiest place to start poking.
those are the ones I cater too, there are alot of poster who do not follow recruiting very closely,

Herby Maybe Jon will give you a job providing us with recruiting info. It beats the hell out of spending your day arguing on the internet! Hope you get a full recovery from your stroke and have a Merry Xmas.
Spank's right on. Sonnen going out had the bigger impact.
Also on point about Herbs making people dislike Gabe. I was optimistic about him before. Harder to be so now just because of the trolling I know that's going to take place when I peruse here.
Why can't herby respond to ppl with actual facts against his arguments? That's the part that thinks he is trolling.
Are you sure the lead was 2 points when Gabe checked in? Might want to think about that statement again.
I'll give you a chance to double-check your facts. Because I'm nice like that. I really am a nice guy, I think.

On a side note - why are trying to make people dislike Gabe? He's a tremendous person, a hard worker, and an asset to the Iowa program. With the way you go about things, you only bring out negative reactions towards Gabe. I would ask that you stop that, as well. We don't need that sort of stuff on here. That's called pot-stirring and trolling.

This is spot on: these are the thoughts that go through my mind when gabe plays.

1) if gabe plays well...we are all going to have to read post after post of how great he is eventhough he might have played average or garbage time. There is nothing wrong with what gabe does during garbage time as it is time for him to gain experience. Or he played well but it gets blown out of proportion.

2) if gabe plays poorly...we are going to have to read post after post saying that we are jerks for commenting that he struggled. I would say the same thing about marble (have about his defense) or white (have when he was playing the 3 which he is bad at). But we are chastised for commenting that a player (especially gabe struggled). There is nothing wrong with this in fact I believe herby rips on jvb quite a lot.

I was waiting for you to comment stormin'...figured you might after you were called out.

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