Someone give me a positive spin on today


I thought there was a pretty good chance we wouldn't be close in this game (even with our modest but spotty recent improvement in quality of play), but I didn't think it would be this bad.

What accounts for an outing like this?

The next time Lick starts whining about home attendance again, someone ought to hand him a DVD of this game. Product quality coach, product quality.
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They played hard for 40 minutes. But certainly over matched. Also, May and Fuller looked good in the second half.
I have no idea how they go from looking SO good the last couple games (or at least better) this....the only thing I can say is their youth? but that's not good

I think I'm just going to be a football fan, I don't know what to make of our bball program.
Fuller looked really good when he actually got a chance to play. Other than maybe May no one looked like they were playing very hard.
This happens to young teams on the road in this league. Mich had lost 3 straight and a heartbreaker this week to their rival MSU....they came out on fire. Iowa has played well for the past 6 games (except today). I really like our young guys.....look for us to rebound from this one at home!!
There are always going to be lapses for young teams while they're improving...and it sucks. I'm not going to bury them for one bad loss when I couldn't proclaim them as "back" after one good stretch of games. We'll just have to see how they bounce back and hope that it's more steps forward from here on out.
Fuller's fouls hurt of course. But I don't think it would have mattered. Michigan came out energized and on fire. We were flat footed.

All I can do is tip my cap to any Hawk fans who are satisfied with this kind of offense. Because you are a more loyal and die hard fan than I am.
They played hard for 40 minutes. But certainly over matched. Also, May and Fuller looked good in the second half.

They did? Certainly could have fooled me from that effort they gave in the first half. Compared to Wednesday night, May should have just stayed at the hotel. He committed a real stupid foul right out of a TV timeout in the 2nd half, it was the stretch where Michigan got 4 possesions in a row and ended up going to the line and getting 1 point.

Fuller had a good second half, it would have been nice to see it in the first.

Normally I'm the kind of person who'll look for the positives, but there aren't many from a game like this. Any positive momentum from the last couple of games went right out the window today.

The pessimists and negative nancys will have a good time with this one.
Positive spin - we "held" Michigan to 26.9% and 36.2% overall from behind the arc today. In reality, alot of those were just open misses though. And it doesn't help when you give up 15 offensive rebounds that turn into how many 2nd chance points.

Only 10 turnovers for the game after a dreadful start.

That's about all I can come up with.
Today was a step back. I think the Ohio State game took a lot out of them. They really played hard that game for 35 minutes but let it get away at the end. Today was a tough road loss to a fired up Michigan team. They played inconsistent. Lets just see how they respond against Ill. before we all freak out. I really think the corner has been turned it just might take a while to see it.
Today was a step back. I think the Ohio State game took a lot out of them. They really played hard that game for 35 minutes but let it get away at the end. Today was a tough road loss to a fired up Michigan team. They played inconsistent. Lets just see how they respond against Ill. before we all freak out. I really think the corner has been turned it just might take a while to see it.

They might very well play better against Illinois and might win the game. I sure hope they do. However, I wouldn't consider the corner to be turned until we stop having completely non-competitive outings like the one we saw today. You're going to run into fired-up teams on the road almost every time out in the Big Ten. That shouldn't mean the team gets a pass on just not showing up at all.
Today was a step back. I think the Ohio State game took a lot out of them. They really played hard that game for 35 minutes but let it get away at the end. Today was a tough road loss to a fired up Michigan team. They played inconsistent. Lets just see how they respond against Ill. before we all freak out. I really think the corner has been turned it just might take a while to see it.
More like a long curve than a corner; still hard to tell if its concave or convex.
Nothing positive from the game. Nothing.

The only positive is that a dose of reality was re-established. Several missing thread titles following this game:

"The Hawks are Back! Told Ya'!" or

"Iowa has turned the Corner" or

"For All You Lick-Haters Out There!!!"

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