Someone at MNF needs to get fired.

I'm not much of a baseball fan, and I don't live in a "baseball town", but I watch the world series because it has the best two teams that made it through the regular season AND playoffs unscathed. this includes, but not limited to injuries and trades. Just like in football, where a one loss LSU/Bama loser is probably better than a no loss Boise St. Ny and philly had their chance and couldn't seal the deal. This years series is good so far. I agree that it should be played in September, but it doesn't need an east coast team to make it a good series.
Even if your not a huge baseball fan this has been one of the best World Series in some time.
How so? The best teams in baseball are not even playing in the World Series. Very few people outside of St Louis or Dallas/Ft Worth even care. The Cubs signing a new team president is bigger news than the World Series.

I'm admitting that I'm a baseball apologist but the "two best teams aren't playing" argument isn't valid. How many Super Bowls have matched the top seeds from each conference? The Packers were a Wild Card team last year! The same can be said for every sport but baseball is the only one anybody uses that line on.
They are 2 different things because they aren't in the same division. The Cardinals played everyone in the Central 18 or 19 times, the Phillies played everyone in the Central either 6 or 7 times. The Cardinals played everyone in the East 6 or 7 times, the Phillies played everyone in the East 18 or 19 times. They also didn't play the same AL teams in interleague play and in fact may not have played the same number of interleague games.

What is so hard to understand that with the unbalanced schedule the team with the best record isn't necessarily the best team? The Cardinals beat the Phillies head to head in the season series and in the playoffs, how can you say the Phillies are better when they didn't play the same schedule as the Cardinals and had a losing record against the Cardinals?

You must be a Cardinals fan. :D

If they go on to win the World Series then they will be crowned champions. But the champion in any sport is not always the best team in that sport.
I'm admitting that I'm a baseball apologist but the "two best teams aren't playing" argument isn't valid. How many Super Bowls have matched the top seeds from each conference? The Packers were a Wild Card team last year! The same can be said for every sport but baseball is the only one anybody uses that line on.

Oh I agree, as I just posted in a response to the Cardinal fan the best team in any sport does not alway win the Championship. The Packers barely made the playoffs and they win the Super Bowl, were they the best team in the NFC? Same situation when the Arizona Cardinals made the Super Bowl, not to many people thought they were the best team in the NFC either. The more teams you have in the playoffs the greater chance of this happening, it is what makes the NCAA tournament so fun to watch as once in a while you get a George Mason or Butler upsetting someone to reach the Final Four.

But all I was doing is making an argument on why people are not watching baseball. Even though this WS has so much drama in it people are not watching it. It is going down as the worst rated WS in history. Part of the reason is the best teams from either League did not reach the World Series. There are many other reason as well. I was one of those people watching MNF over the World Series.
So, what does this have to do with anything I've posted? It is the World Series, you can match any teams in it and if it goes 6 or 7 games there is going to be drama & tension. But it does not mean people are watching it. My team is not in the WS and I am tired of baseball so I am not watching much of it. The ratings suggest I am not the only one.

The guy you responded to said NOTHING about whether or not people are actually watching the WS. He just said it's been one of the best series in a long time. And that's true. Kind of like "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"

People might not be watching, but this series has been GREAT! And not all series that go 6-7 games have as much drama as this one. These games (with the exception of Game 3) have been filled with a lot more tension and drama even in just the vacuum of one game. Getting out of serious jams again and again, keeping the score tied or close. Big hits late in the game (Napoli's double in Game 5). If you don't have a horse in the race, it's not hard to really appreciate the fact that this is one of the best series in a while now, even if no one seems to be watching.
After a 162 game schedule the Phillies won 102 games, the Cardinals won 90. The best team in the NL did not make it to the World Series. Go look at the ratings and see how many people are actually watching these games.

They are not 2 different things, it isn't like they are only playing 16 games in a season. They are playing a 162 game schedule, the best team will have the best record.

This is why I find pro baseball to be really boring (except for a few playoff and WS games).
This is why I find pro baseball to be really boring (except for a few playoff and WS games).

I guess if you don't like baseball, or the World Series, I'm not sure what good it does to ***** about it? Just don't watch it if it's boring. Most people that love baseball are baseball fans for reasons only they can understand. It is an acquired taste, and you can't just casually watch a baseball game if you aren't a baseball fan, and be captivated by it. Most people see a "stupid, boring" game that takes too long to play and doesn't result in much excitement. I see a very trivial, tactical game, that requires an insane amount of strategy and mental awareness as well as calm under stress in high pressure situations. Every pitch has the potential to be a game changing play. People can argue that football is very "tactical" and strategic, and I will agree whole-heartedly, the thing is is most people understand everything going on on a football field. That's not the case when it comes to baseball. Baseball fans get it. Casual watchers don't.
I guess if you don't like baseball, or the World Series, I'm not sure what good it does to ***** about it? Just don't watch it if it's boring. Most people that love baseball are baseball fans for reasons only they can understand. It is an acquired taste, and you can't just casually watch a baseball game if you aren't a baseball fan, and be captivated by it. Most people see a "stupid, boring" game that takes too long to play and doesn't result in much excitement. I see a very trivial, tactical game, that requires an insane amount of strategy and mental awareness as well as calm under stress in high pressure situations. Every pitch has the potential to be a game changing play. People can argue that football is very "tactical" and strategic, and I will agree whole-heartedly, the thing is is most people understand everything going on on a football field. That's not the case when it comes to baseball. Baseball fans get it. Casual watchers don't.

I am not a "Casual watcher". Baseball has always been my first love when it comes to sports, but to much is to much. The fact that it is almost November and they are still playing baseball is insane. Baseball is a summer sport, played in 70+ degree weather not in the fall. When I was a kid the playoffs were just 2 division winners in a quick 5 game series and then a 7 game World Series. I know the expanded playoffs has generated a little more interest with more teams being in contention towards the end but it has really deluted the game. If they want to continue with this extended playoff format then they need to shorten the season.

It is becoming more and more rare the best teams even reach the World Series. You are almost better off having a team just good enough to get into the playoffs than having a dominate team. Teams that had to fight and claw their way to get into the playoffs (like the Cardinals) do really well while teams that coasted the final month struggle.

We really should have started a new thread for all this. (yeah I know, I started it) :D
Who was the genius who booked Miami, JVille, KC Twice, St. Louis twice, Minny...?

Counting this week and last week there will only be 3 games in 11 weeks between likely playoff teams.


Since baseball is absolutely terrible, let's get back on topic..

The Chiefs were a playoff team last year.. scheduling their games against San Diego (in division rival) and the Patriots before the season started and the Chiefs lost their 2 best players looked like a great move (and still could be.. the chiefs have won 3 in a row). St. Louis has Bradford and looked like they were improving, Minnesota signed McNabb which would have been a good storyline if they ended up doing well.. I can't really say much for Miami or Jville but having the same teams each week would have been just as boring.
one of the best world series games I've ever seen. unbelievable actually! bad ratings or not, this has been a fantastic series.