Some updates on Tucker/Cole from the presser

LOL, at a leave of absence, isn't a leave of absence usually something you take voluntarily?

Only voluntary; couldn't be further from the truth. Involuntary leaves are a very common HR tool. Some are paid, some are unpaid. I've used an involuntary leave MANY times.

Involuntary leaves are used in law enforcement, while it is determined if a cop had a good shoot or not.

Teachers suspected of child misconduct are forced on involuntary paid leaves.

Etc, etc, etc.
I'm going to stick my neck out here with pure speculation. (READ: This is my disclaimer that what I am about to say is only my opinion and not to be taken as anything remotely close to fact)

I'm a Human Resources professional by day. I do quite of bit of interviewing and occasional investigative inquiries for harassment. Meaning while still an "amateur" I am competent in "reading" people and situations.

With all that being said, at about the :55 second mark during Gaten's interview, he was asked about Tucker returning. Gatens non-verbal and verbal reactions make me a little nervous. First, Gatens flinches, and then comes up with an answer "yeah". but then quickly "retracts" saying “I would think so.... I don't... I don't know." and begins looking away from the reporter.

This raises a red flag for me. I don't read into it that Gatens knows for certain that Tucker is gone. But, despite what Matt said, I don't believe he is confident Tucker is coming back.

Have you been watching Lie To Me on FOX? LOL. just haven fun with ya.
You and Springsteen drew inferences far beyond what was reasonable from my statement that "This is no Pierre Pierce situation...yet." He and you are looking for an argument based on something that wasn't suggested.

Pierre Pierce raped two people - what other interpretation would you expect someone to make?
Pierre Pierce raped two people - what other interpretation would you expect someone to make?
I interpreted the original comment to mean that, like Pierre Pierce, Tucker was given a second chance and seems to have not learned from past mistakes.

The fact that Pierre's behavior/conduct/crime was much worse than Tucker's doesn't mean there aren't any parallels between the two situations.

It's about coaches offering second chances and getting burned.
I'm going to stick my neck out here with pure speculation. (READ: This is my disclaimer that what I am about to say is only my opinion and not to be taken as anything remotely close to fact)

I'm a Human Resources professional by day. I do quite of bit of interviewing and occasional investigative inquiries for harassment. Meaning while still an "amateur" I am competent in "reading" people and situations.

With all that being said, at about the :55 second mark during Gaten's interview, he was asked about Tucker returning. Gatens non-verbal and verbal reactions make me a little nervous. First, Gatens flinches, and then comes up with an answer "yeah". but then quickly "retracts" saying “I would think so.... I don't... I don't know." and begins looking away from the reporter.

This raises a red flag for me. I don't read into it that Gatens knows for certain that Tucker is gone. But, despite what Matt said, I don't believe he is confident Tucker is coming back.

I think he was turning his head to look at the next reporter asking a question.

Regarding Tucker coming back, he probably is not confident it will happen. Even if Tucker wants to and the school and coaches are agreeable, I am sure there will be stipulations that Tucker may not be able to meet.

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