Some updates on Tucker/Cole from the presser

LOL, at a leave of absence, isn't a leave of absence usually something you take voluntarily?
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From what I was told is that he was told he needs some time away from basketball to sort things out. His progress is being evaluated by the staff. Take it for what it's worth, I wasn't there to listen to the presser personally.
From what I was told is that he was told he needs some time away from basketball to sort things out. His progress is being evaluated by the staff. Take it for what it's worth, I wasn't there to listen to the presser personally.

Iowa needs to cut its losses with Tucker. This is no Pierre Pierce situation...yet. But if he remains on athletic scholarship after the second semester, it will be a black mark against Lick's judgment as far as I'm concerned. And that side of the ledger is getting messy as it is.
From what I was told is that he was told he needs some time away from basketball to sort things out. His progress is being evaluated by the staff. Take it for what it's worth, I wasn't there to listen to the presser personally.

I listened to the postgame show to hear what Lickliter had to say, and it doesn't sound like Tucker will be seeing the floor anytime soon, and by anytime soon I mean the rest of the season.

Of course I could be way off, but that's how I interpreted it.
From what I was told is that he was told he needs some time away from basketball to sort things out. His progress is being evaluated by the staff. Take it for what it's worth, I wasn't there to listen to the presser personally.

To be clear I'm not making fun of the situation or Tucker (especially if he has a problem) it was just the choice of words by Lick.
Iowa needs to cut its losses with Tucker. This is no Pierre Pierce situation...yet. But if he remains on athletic scholarship after the second semester, it will be a black mark against Lick's judgment as far as I'm concerned. And that side of the ledger is getting messy as it is.

To compare Tucker to Pierce is beyond ignorant. The two aren't even in the same vicinity.

Until the entire womens basketball team won't look Todd Lickliter in the eye, because of his handling of Tucker, than the two don't even belong in the same paragraph.
[ame=""]YouTube- Iowa Coach Todd Lickliter addressed Tucker situation.MOV[/ame]

Video from Dochterman
To compare Tucker to Pierce is beyond ignorant. The two aren't even in the same vicinity.

You would benefit from thinking a little more carefully before you let your fingers hit the keyboard. I did not equate Pierce's offenses with those of Tucker. My point was that the tolerance of Tucker's antics hasn't yet resulted in some tragedy on the University's watch, but it certainly could if they continue accepting the same behaviors from him. Next time, perhaps he gets behind a wheel and hurts someone else--or hurts himself badly in some other way. He could easily have hurt himself badly with the first incident had he chosen a more remote area to pass out drunk in the cold. The kid needs to shape up and get help if he needs it, but he does not deserve to continue as a scholarship athlete at Iowa.
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Iowa needs to cut its losses with Tucker. This is no Pierre Pierce situation...yet. But if he remains on athletic scholarship after the second semester, it will be a black mark against Lick's judgment as far as I'm concerned. And that side of the ledger is getting messy as it is.

I believe he has hit strike 3 (drinking incident, academics, drinking incident) already and should lose his scholly. He can remain on the team, but without a scholarship.
I'm going to stick my neck out here with pure speculation. (READ: This is my disclaimer that what I am about to say is only my opinion and not to be taken as anything remotely close to fact)

I'm a Human Resources professional by day. I do quite of bit of interviewing and occasional investigative inquiries for harassment. Meaning while still an "amateur" I am competent in "reading" people and situations.

With all that being said, at about the :55 second mark during Gaten's interview, he was asked about Tucker returning. Gatens non-verbal and verbal reactions make me a little nervous. First, Gatens flinches, and then comes up with an answer "yeah". but then quickly "retracts" saying “I would think so.... I don't... I don't know." and begins looking away from the reporter.

This raises a red flag for me. I don't read into it that Gatens knows for certain that Tucker is gone. But, despite what Matt said, I don't believe he is confident Tucker is coming back.
I believe he has hit strike 3 (drinking incident, academics, drinking incident) already and should lose his scholly. He can remain on the team, but without a scholarship.
I don't believe academics is a strike according to Gary Barta. If this had been his third alcohol related offense he would be history as we speak.
I feel we should support Anthony and try to help him through this extremely difficult time. To just kick him off the team and throw him in a snow bank would be a total injustice not only to A T but to the U of I.
Obviously A T has a problem with alcohol and I feel it is the duty of the U to try and help by way of counseling.
This is really a no-win situation for Lickliter...some fans will be p*ssed if Tucker is allowed to stay on the team and others will be p*ssed if he's kicked off for a simply PI arrest. I don't see this ending well.
You would benefit from thinking a little more carefully before you let your fingers hit the keyboard. I did not equate Pierce's offenses with those of Tucker. My point was that the tolerance of Tucker's antics hasn't yet resulted in some tragedy on the University's watch, but it certainly could if they continue accepting the same behaviors from him. Next time, perhaps he gets behind a wheel and hurts someone else--or hurts himself badly in some other way. He could easily have hurt himself badly with the first incident had he chosen a more remote area to pass out drunk in the cold. The kid needs to shape up and get help if he needs it, but he does not deserve to continue as a scholarship athlete at Iowa.

And you would benefit from making a better point the first time around. This is a much better post than your first effort, when you compared Tucker to Pierce and insinuated that eventually Tucker would do the same kind of things that Pierce did.

That's what Springsteen was responding to. If you just said what you said above and implied that Anthony was going to go out and start raping people, you'd have been just fine.
And you would benefit from making a better point the first time around. This is a much better post than your first effort, when you compared Tucker to Pierce and insinuated that eventually Tucker would do the same kind of things that Pierce did.

That's what Springsteen was responding to. If you just said what you said above and implied that Anthony was going to go out and start raping people, you'd have been just fine.

You and Springsteen drew inferences far beyond what was reasonable from my statement that "This is no Pierre Pierce situation...yet." He and you are looking for an argument based on something that wasn't suggested.
This is really a no-win situation for Lickliter...some fans will be p*ssed if Tucker is allowed to stay on the team and others will be p*ssed if he's kicked off for a simply PI arrest. I don't see this ending well.

Agreed. That was one point I brought up several times in yesterday's article.

Not everyone is going to be happy with the decision handed down.
If Tucker comes back, life on the road will not be easy in regards to the host fans.

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