Some of the Kool-aid drinkers are amazing

The first few pages of this topic are hilarious. Some of you should to learn how to respect other peoples' opinions even if you don't agree. I hope you don't, though, I get a good laugh every time a topic like this comes up
The first few pages of this topic are hilarious. Some of you should to learn how to respect other peoples' opinions even if you don't agree. I hope you don't, though, I get a good laugh every time a topic like this comes up

Yeah? Well maybe YOU need to learn how to shut up! :mad:

By no means would I classify myself a 'lick-lover' given my numerous critical posts regarding this program. Despite my concerns about Lick's 'system' my opinion over the past month has changed and I find myself in the camp of 'patience and support'.

Why has my opinion changed ?

# 1 Continuity wins in the long-term
# 2 Iowa,,,, as a state,,,, has many disadvantages especially in basketball
# 3 The financial cost of change
# 4 The ISU basketball trials and tribulations
# 5 The Lick 'system'
# 6 Facilities
# 7 The basketball fan-base is fickle - most want something for nothing
# 8 University as a total body may not be in support of athletics

# 1 Continuity is vital to a program’s success. The idea that only a change-over in coaches and staff is needed to rectify the situation makes the key assumption that the next staff will be successful. Provide me some examples where programs that meet our profile have had long-term success by turning coaches over every 4 years? I think the converse might be true. Sticking with a staff and allowing them to build slowly could net a long-term gain. One winning season could get the ball rolling and recruiting young men becomes easier when you offer a recruit proven staff stability.

# 2 Enough said,,,, this state supports 4 Division 1 basketball programs. Given the population base and the talent pool to draw from in this state the numbers are simply not there. Competition for players in and outside this state is at an all-time high. Recruiting outside of this state is difficult as well.

# 3 If you strap your athletic budget with continual buyouts that could sink the entire ship. Yes attendance is down and there is a cost there but paying a coach $600,000 per year left on a contract yields no return. Again,,, if the next coach is not successful you have compounded the issue. The financial cost of another failure could be staggering. Who are we going to get at this point? If you get a proven big-time coach the cost of the contract will be hefty. Given the economic times this is the wrong time to be eating contracts and taking on new ones.

# 4 Just take a look at the ISU basketball program and misery index so far this season. With much better talent and expectations their season is heading into the dumpster quickly. Bringing in better talent also brings loads of issues and does not guarantee success if you can't get it to mesh. I've seen this kind of season at Iowa as well.

# 5 The Lick 'system'... slow down ball,,, three point shooting, etc. can be boring, etc. but it does typically keep games closer. Face it who really cares what type of system we play? What fans really care about most is winning. If Lick can produce a winner many will praise the ‘system’. The nice part about this system is he can recruit a certain type of ball-player who is team oriented and will likely stick with the program for 4 years. Yes he has lost ball-players but most if not all had Alford origins and many left because the negativity associated with losing. I’m interested to see what this year’s roster will look like after adding 4 more solid ball players from the incoming recruiting class. How could next year’s team not be better ?

# 6 Our facilities need significant improvement. If you want to compete with the big dogs you have to be a big dog in all aspects of your program. Look at the best around the country and then compare our facilities with these programs. I think you'll find a difference. Facilities are as much about stating a message about the commitment to the program’s success to your current players and potential recruits.

# 7 The basketball fan-base is fickle.... Fans demand this hypothetical coach who is the nicest, funniest, aw-shucks guy in the world who magically wins Big Ten championships given all the obstacles Iowa faces. Do this for less money, worse facilities, constant fan scrutiny and in a small population state that has 4 D-I b-ball programs.

# 8 Does the rest of the University really support athletics in general ? Is there jealousy amongst the faculty about the money made and earned by athletics ? Athletics is a dirty, dirty business. If your University is not prepared to go the extra-mile for your athletes then this can be a major hurdle. Just asking the question here. We've had a high number of academic ineligibilities from Tom Davis's regime going forward when you compare our program to ISU, UNI and our Big Ten brethren. Why is that ? Just saying.....

I'm suggesting that when you take out the emotion from analysis and carefully consider the situation you may see things differently. We as a fan-base should get behind this program for this season and next to see what can happen. I recommend not making a change until you absolutely have to. Continuity wins out in the end and the cost of change is just as risky as continuing down a path.
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