Some Notes from this Morning's Practice (Updated 10:10 a.m.)

Eh, on second watch that is probably too close to the sideline to have been a post, more likely a corner route.
Offensive production with kok ranked on average in the 60's, with GD it was in the 90's. Last year it was in the 120's with 2 1000 yd rusher. Your argument is solid; however, it doesn't change the fact GD wasn't a good fit here. Even if GD didn't retire they were going to have revamp the passing game.
If GD didn't retire then he would have been asked to 'retire'.... Which I don't think ended up happening. He had to have seen the writing on the wall that he was done. KF didn't want to fire him but if Davis would have been adamant about coming back I bet he would have flat out fired him. The passing game and overall scoring offense was just anemic. All the other factors being what they were still shouldn't have amounted to what ended up happening offensively. The running game was too good for that to have been the case. Play action should have been used way more successfully than it was. I'm fired up for the change of direction and hopefully Stanley can hit the ground running.
If GD didn't retire then he would have been asked to 'retire'.... Which I don't think ended up happening. He had to have seen the writing on the wall that he was done. KF didn't want to fire him but if Davis would have been adamant about coming back I bet he would have flat out fired him. The passing game and overall scoring offense was just anemic. All the other factors being what they were still shouldn't have amounted to what ended up happening offensively. The running game was too good for that to have been the case. Play action should have been used way more successfully than it was. I'm fired up for the change of direction and hopefully Stanley can hit the ground running.

I think GD was given the "easy out" when his boys, Kennedy and White, were not retained. He was probably able to use that as rationale, and saved KF having to fire him after KF continually had his back during the low times.

Much as I wasn't a fan of GDs offenses, some of it was simply beyond his control. First season he loses a slew of RBs (Coker gone, Canzeri out for year, injuries to Bullock then Garmon then Weisman), transitions to Keenan Davis and Martin-Manley as "go to" WRS post-McNutt. It was a first year with a new system. And he continued to deal with RB injuries thereafter. But, when you "short" OL schollies for WR help and can't make it work, things are bound to be inconsistent at best.
I think GD was given the "easy out" when his boys, Kennedy and White, were not retained. He was probably able to use that as rationale, and saved KF having to fire him after KF continually had his back during the low times.

Much as I wasn't a fan of GDs offenses, some of it was simply beyond his control. First season he loses a slew of RBs (Coker gone, Canzeri out for year, injuries to Bullock then Garmon then Weisman), transitions to Keenan Davis and Martin-Manley as "go to" WRS post-McNutt. It was a first year with a new system. And he continued to deal with RB injuries thereafter. But, when you "short" OL schollies for WR help and can't make it work, things are bound to be inconsistent at best.
In 2012, his first year, we were 4-2 coming off an OT win at MSU, and in the Penn State game, two linemen went down within 4 play, one a future first rounder. Vandenburg ran for his life the rest of the year. GD put it together in one of 5 years...isn't that close to the Kirk Ferentz cycle of outstanding seasons? Poor, Good, Good, Great, Good?
I think GD was given the "easy out" when his boys, Kennedy and White, were not retained. He was probably able to use that as rationale, and saved KF having to fire him after KF continually had his back during the low times.

Much as I wasn't a fan of GDs offenses, some of it was simply beyond his control. First season he loses a slew of RBs (Coker gone, Canzeri out for year, injuries to Bullock then Garmon then Weisman), transitions to Keenan Davis and Martin-Manley as "go to" WRS post-McNutt. It was a first year with a new system. And he continued to deal with RB injuries thereafter. But, when you "short" OL schollies for WR help and can't make it work, things are bound to be inconsistent at best.
I agree that firing those other two made it a completely clean break from Davis. That's the thing about KF he's certainly loyal. Firing people isn't something he wants to do. There's a reason that 'circle of trust' phrase isn't just a phrase with him. Jon Miller had talked about that for a long time that once your in that with him your in. He wants your leaving to be on your terms as much as possible. Outside those two and coach Kaz how many coaches has he fired? I can't think of any others off the top of my head.
I felt bad for Keenan Davis. That's a guy who we should have gotten more out of too. Football is just a tough game. It's just about impossible to have an experienced senior lead team top to bottom. Be it attrition or injuries there's just about always something keeping Iowa from having consistently great years. Depth is probably the biggest issue. We can usually put a pretty good solid first group out there. But if a player or two goes down on the Oline or RB or receiver not to mention QB it'll turn into a crap shoot of what to expect.
Nah. Davis is a good coach with a great resume. It just didn't work out here. I'd say hiring a guy like Kaz was a worse mistake than Davis.

Hiring Kaz wasn't a mistake, waiting so long before telling him it was in his best interest to that was the problem.
Greg Davis' head coaching record:

1988 Tulane 5-6
1989 Tulane 4-8
1990 Tulane 4-7
1991 Tulane 1-10

Davis wasn't hired as head coach, now was he? And Texas sure lit it up after he left, didn't they?
Time to put it to bed,good coach,not right fit for our team make-up.Lets Hope our new coordinator's can turn it around.
Time to put it to bed,good coach,not right fit for our team make-up.Lets Hope our new coordinator's can turn it around.

You do realize that the average number of wins with Davis is the same as we had with KOK?

And he wasn't brought in to be a good fit, he was brought in as a stop-gap measure so that something else could be accomplished. Didn't you think it was a little weird that when the opportunity to improve the offense presented itself Iowa decided to hire an old guy who had been recently fired to take over as OC ???? If you didn't think that was rather odd you weren't paying attention to the larger picture.
You do realize that the average number of wins with Davis is the same as we had with KOK?

And he wasn't brought in to be a good fit, he was brought in as a stop-gap measure so that something else could be accomplished. Didn't you think it was a little weird that when the opportunity to improve the offense presented itself Iowa decided to hire an old guy who had been recently fired to take over as OC ???? If you didn't think that was rather odd you weren't paying attention to the larger picture.

I think there was some of that for sure. I think the GD hire was always a 5 year plan for KF, then re evaluate (with Brian taking over if ready).
You do realize that the average number of wins with Davis is the same as we had with KOK?

And he wasn't brought in to be a good fit, he was brought in as a stop-gap measure so that something else could be accomplished. Didn't you think it was a little weird that when the opportunity to improve the offense presented itself Iowa decided to hire an old guy who had been recently fired to take over as OC ???? If you didn't think that was rather odd you weren't paying attention to the larger picture.

This is a tad skewed in that KOK was at Iowa like 13 yrs compared to 5 for Davis. Having a 12 win season as 1 out of 5 really can skew it when you talk about averages. So I don't take much into comparing their average wins so much.

But yeah Davis at his age and stage of his career wasn't going to put in 10 yrs at Iowa. That was a given. I guess the question we'll never know is what if Iowa had another good say 10 win season last yr would Davis have been leaving then? It seems as though he would not have. Yet his 2 offensive assistants of his were gonners regardless. Making the split just that much easier. Why have Davis be apart of hiring the next ones if he's got no future? Other than it taking a frustratingly underperforming season last year to do it I'd say the future of the program is in better shape for it.
I think there was some of that for sure. I think the GD hire was always a 5 year plan for KF, then re evaluate (with Brian taking over if ready).

If true, that takes some ballz to assume you have 5 years to fart around with. Only a guy with the AD solidly in his back pocket would...... oh ...never mind.

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