Some fun Xmas Predictions for the 2013-14 FB Season


Well-Known Member
Way early but for fun lets predict the following




Most surprising Off Player

Most surprising Def Player

Biggest surprise of the year

I will go with the following:

Record 7-5

OFF MVP - Weismann

DEF MVP - Kirksey

M/S Def Player - Jordan Lomax

M/S Off Player - Barkley Hill

Biggest surprise of the year - I think after a full off season the G Davis offense hits stride and delivers solid points next year (I hope)
Way early but for fun lets predict the following




Most surprising Off Player

Most surprising Def Player

Biggest surprise of the year

I will go with the following:

Record 7-5

OFF MVP - Weismann

DEF MVP - Kirksey

M/S Def Player - Jordan Lomax

M/S Off Player - Barkley Hill

Biggest surprise of the year - I think after a full off season the G Davis offense hits stride and delivers solid points next year (I hope)

I predict a record again of 4-8. I say we go 2-2 in non-conference (losses to Northern Illinois and ISU) and go 2-6 in the Big 10...not sure who we beat but predict we find two wins in there somewhere.

I also do not expect the Greg Davis offense will ever hit stride as long as he does not have the athletes to make that happen and right now Iowa does not have enough of them in the program.

If my prediction of 4-8 holds to form for the second straight year, Kirk Ferentz's seat at Iowa will be very hot and it will take a much improved 2014 season for him to return to Iowa in 2015- regardless of the ridiculous buyout.
5-7, losses to clowns and 6 Big 10 teams. Barkley Hill will be a standout but nothing on D.

the year after that though, hoo boy...

Off MVP- whomever stays healthy on line

Def MVP - Lowery

MS D - no surprises here.

MS O - whomever takes over for the midget in the middle.

Biggest Surprise - offensive line plays better with JF gone.
7-5 (If we catch a break at QB or WR could be better)

MVP on O - Scherff

MVP on D - Kirksey

MS on D - Perry

MS on O - Krieger Coble
4-8 (lose to Iowa State and beat Minnehaha-only Big 10 win)
MVP O-Scherff
MS D- none
MS O-none

Biggest surprise-Ferentz gets fired.
I predict that no matter how bad the record might be next year, we will have another spate of posters telling us we need to remain patient and Kirk will get it turned around.
I predict that no matter how bad the record might be next year, we will have another spate of posters telling us we need to remain patient and Kirk will get it turned around.

True but we will also have another generation of posters like MythOfFerentz and FreedComanche demanding a revolt and overthrow of KF. Only next season, it will be much, much worse. Especially if the QB struggles and Ferentz is quoted saying "Well, he didn't get much experience of in game action". All hell will break loose at that point.
[ Especially if the QB struggles and Ferentz is quoted saying "Well, he didn't get much experience of in game action". All hell will break loose at that point.[/QUOTE]

That wouldn't be stranger than no one else taking snaps anyway...
[ Especially if the QB struggles and Ferentz is quoted saying "Well, he didn't get much experience of in game action". All hell will break loose at that point.

I can just imagine KF's response to an interview question about that next season if he uses that line.

KF: "Well, how is he going to get better if he isn't in there?"

Reporter: "He couldn't have played the year before when Vandy wasn't playing well, right Coach?"

KF: "No"

Reporter: "Why"

KF: "Why, what?"

Reporter: "Why couldn't he have playered the year before when Vandy wasn't playing well?"

KF: "Reminds me of a movie I watched once, I don't remember the title but that isn't important. I remember the main character had a great line, it makes me laugh because it applies here, right now."

Reporter: "what was the line"

KF: "Well it was a question, more than a line."

Reporter: "Ok, what was the question."

KF: "Do you like apples"

Reporter: "Oh you are talking about Good Will Hunting, it was a great movie. How does it apply here though?"

KF: "Well do you like apples?"

Reporter: "Yeah, sure, who doesn't?"

KF: "Well I just asked security to throw you out, how do you like them apples?"

Reporter: "Wait, what? Get your hands off me!"

KF: "Ha ha ha, any one else wanna ask me about the QB situation?"
I can just imagine KF's response to an interview question about that next season if he uses that line.

KF: "Well, how is he going to get better if he isn't in there?"

Reporter: "He couldn't have played the year before when Vandy wasn't playing well, right Coach?"

KF: "No"

Reporter: "Why"

KF: "Why, what?"

Reporter: "Why couldn't he have playered the year before when Vandy wasn't playing well?"

KF: "Reminds me of a movie I watched once, I don't remember the title but that isn't important. I remember the main character had a great line, it makes me laugh because it applies here, right now."

Reporter: "what was the line"

KF: "Well it was a question, more than a line."

Reporter: "Ok, what was the question."

KF: "Do you like apples"

Reporter: "Oh you are talking about Good Will Hunting, it was a great movie. How does it apply here though?"

KF: "Well do you like apples?"

Reporter: "Yeah, sure, who doesn't?"

KF: "Well I just asked security to throw you out, how do you like them apples?"

Reporter: "Wait, what? Get your hands off me!"

KF: "Ha ha ha, any one else wanna ask me about the QB situation?"

True but we will also have another generation of posters like MythOfFerentz and FreedComanche demanding a revolt and overthrow of KF. Only next season, it will be much, much worse. Especially if the QB struggles and Ferentz is quoted saying "Well, he didn't get much experience of in game action". All hell will break loose at that point.

Training up my recruits as I write this.

Ghost derp will still know more than any other HN poster.

I never claimed to be smart. I just figured out how to get here, create an account and somehow the keys that I press show up on the screen. People can interrupt that however they want.