

Well-Known Member
Those boys from secpn, say they are more athletic. I say, how bad do you want us to "slow" your athletic ability.


Is that what they want me to think?

Gotta see if we can mow them over first.
hate to break it to ya olddude, this match up looks a lot like the match up with Oklahoma a couple of years ago or against Washington in the 82 Rose Bowl.


A slowly developing loss. Posession after posession of punts while the D holds on in a reasonable way but quarter by quarter points pile up.
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Translation: Olddude is pizzed because the SEC guys think they are faster and more athletic but it aint going to matter because the hawks muscle and technique will pile drive them and plow them over.
I learned that it just don't matter what I think. I'm working up to optimism and by game time I'll be recklessly optimistic about a hawkeye victory. But right now...doubts.
Not drunk. Just so sick of those people. They show a blitz that was not picked up and point out athletic ability? Come on man, I could have made that play if I was untouched.
I'm going to guess that LSU probably does have more speed & athleticism than Iowa, although I haven't seen them play in all honesty. Still, even if that's true, that doesn't mean that Iowa can't win. Sometimes, a well-prepared team that executes the fundamentals can beat a team with more athletes.
I wouldn't like Iowa's chances in a track meet. Turns out they let you use pads in the Outback Bowl. Who knew?
Ive seen lsu play twice this yr they are pretty fast in some areas but not so much that we cant stay with them. As long as we can keep it close the first half I think we will have a good shot to win this gm. Im from sec country and all my buddies keep saying that my Hawks want be able to match up with them speed wise. Im so sick of hearing that I rally hope that we can win this gm so I can shut them up. GO HAWKS!
Yeah, South Carolina and Georgia Tech (remember their QB) were suppose to be faster too and look how we destroyed them in recent bowls. Speed is great but strength, power, execution and determination are not bad attributes either.
Old Dude, I'm an old dude down here in BR, and I can tell you two things about these teams. 1) LSU players are as fast and athletic as any the Hawkeye football team has seen. Maybe the fastest. 2) Iowa can win this game.
Just heard on the radio the "football matrix" guy laugh about the matchup and how LSU will cover by the end of the first qtr.

I think LSU fans are pretty solid for the most part, but man I hope we can shut up some of these "experts" like we have before.
^^^ Thats all I am saying.
If our boys pull this out, we can look at the big, secpn and really the whole country and say we did our part.
That means if secpn spins it to, oh well they did not have so and so. They deserve to get ball punched.
They can take that pos espn and cram that stinky pile of dog **** so deep they gag.
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