So you want to be an Moderator? OK

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Anyone interested in being a moderator, please send me a PM and I will consider it.

I'm not looking for crazy control here. I can't possibly read every post on this site so things have deteriorated a bit as it relates to respectful decorum. But I don't want to go too far the other way, either.

You'll have the ability to delete posts, but not ban users. That decision will fall to me, so you can soft delete a post, send me the direct link to the specific thread, and I will review it.

I think I just figured out how to make it so your user tag doesnt say 'Moderator' or 'Super Moderator' by it, as some folks would like to help out in moderating but they don't want to announce it to the world.

Know this; I won't be adding 20 mods. I may only add a few. If you offer to help, it is greatly appreciated but I don't ant to create a militia here. So please do not be offended if you're not added as a mod. The job pays zero ;)

Well, if you're NOT creating a militia, I guess that rules out drakebullfrog, tehboat, deanfogs, billso, lg210, and the rest of the hard right militia-loving cons that stink up The Cave every waking hour.

(Note: the above poast is intended to be a practice example for any potential moderator candidates; if the candidate believes this poast should be deleted, he/she is not suitable for the job. You're welcome.)
I would like to volunteer to be a moderator. The platform I'm running on for the job is that I would vow to replace any offending post with a picture of a pretty pony. Or a sound bite of a farting noise. Whichever seemed a more appropriate replacement. Thank you for your consideration.

Oh and a ban on fitness videos of pole dancing. Who does that? Really!
JD, with the state of the Nation, and Hawkeye Football, Hawkeye Nation could get ugly by Wednesday or Thursday when this election is over. Get some rest I have a feeling the hammer will be falling with regularity next week.
Another question....what are the shifts for this job? If we can't do our shift can we pick a sub and does our substitute have to have taken the moderator 101 course or just share our login? Oh...and do we get out own new user ID and login? Can moderators be banned?
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You mean like someone being able to set lines and whatnot?

No idea who would offer to do something like that.
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