So you want to be an Moderator? OK

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JD, DO NOT award mod status to MNHawkeyeFreak. She can not be trusted. She has a hidden personal agenda which, if unleashed by granting the power to delete poasts, would result in the evisceration of HN.
Thank you for your consideration.
JD, DO NOT award mod status to MNHawkeyeFreak. She can not be trusted. She has a hidden personal agenda which, if unleashed by granting the power to delete poasts, would result in the evisceration of HN.
Thank you for your consideration.

You so funny Mr. Scorpio! You so funny! Personal agenda? Ha! I laugh at your personal agenda! Hahahah! My only personal agenda is to give you as much crap as possible! WHO WILL JOIN ME?!!!

As far as the evisceration of HN goes, all one would have to do is ban you. BOOM! Like that, total HN post count is reduced by two thirds!! (except in the wrestling forum as it would stay the same)
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You so funny Mr. Scorpio! You so funny! Personal agenda? Ha! I laugh at your personal agenda! Hahahah! My only personal agenda is to give you as much crap as possible! WHO WILL JOIN ME?!!!

As far as the evisceration of HN goes, all one would have to do is ban you. BOOM! Like that, total HN post cost is reduced by two thirds!! (except in the wrestling forum as it would stay the same)

Umm...I think you just validated my assertion?
That's the kind of personal attack that is going to lose you your shot at real power around here!! :p

Exactly, #5 to #86 for a six-point score.
She has removed herself from consideration. Didn't take very long, either.
Is this a job that I am not eligible for? Like an ex-con can't become a cop or something? I think I'd be a pretty good mod, since I happen to spend 12 hours a day here, and not only understand the culture and vernacular, but helped build it as well. Also, my time under the hammer gives me a pretty good perspective on what is and is not acceptable in these parts.

I know it's a long shot, but give me a shot. To sweeten the pot, if I am given this responsibility, I promise to never use the following words again: teh, moar, le, poast, leik, etc...
I think that 90% of the responses on this thread have disqualified 70% of the candidates.

My statistics are 100% fabricated.
Is this a job that I am not eligible for? Like an ex-con can't become a cop or something? I think I'd be a pretty good mod, since I happen to spend 12 hours a day here, and not only understand the culture and vernacular, but helped build it as well. Also, my time under the hammer gives me a pretty good perspective on what is and is not acceptable in these parts.

I know it's a long shot, but give me a shot. To sweeten the pot, if I am given this responsibility, I promise to never use the following words again: teh, moar, le, poast, leik, etc...

Sorry ghost, some of us follow all the rules and act as a model citizen/poster, then offer up our sevices free of charge and still get shunned by the diesel. Your prospects don't look so good.
Sorry ghost, some of us follow all the rules and act as a model citizen/poster, then offer up our sevices free of charge and still get shunned by the diesel. Your prospects don't look so good.

Remember that movie "Catch Me if you Can"? it is about that check forger/conman, who was so good at what he does, that they take him out of prison and then he became a millionaire developing ways to prevent check forging? That's me?

Who better to weed out the trolls, losers, idiots, and malcontents than a person who knows how they think and understands how they operate?
JD, I respectfully request that whomever is appointed for this lifetime position is sufficiently cool because there are a lot of folks on here who you shouldn't let moderate the place. You also need to give them bright guidelines and not give them banning power for anything other than spambots and ISU trolls because I know certain smart posters have rubbed some other posters the wrong way and I fear you are setting yourself up for a 6th grade hall monitor type situation or something akin to the Stanford Prison Experiment. Tread lightly, brah.

Stanford prison experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is this a job that I am not eligible for? Like an ex-con can't become a cop or something? I think I'd be a pretty good mod, since I happen to spend 12 hours a day here, and not only understand the culture and vernacular, but helped build it as well. Also, my time under the hammer gives me a pretty good perspective on what is and is not acceptable in these parts.

I know it's a long shot, but give me a shot. To sweeten the pot, if I am given this responsibility, I promise to never use the following words again: teh, moar, le, poast, leik, etc...

I don't think you are too far off with this.
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