So you are through watching Iowa Football

My first moment that I realized that I was a Hawkeye fan was in 1976, listening to Z call the upset over Penn state. Since then, I have watched or listened to almost every game. Last Saturday hurt as bad as any loss I can remember, but I still saw hope in what we did against Wisconsin. Does it get frustrating at times,? OH HELL YES!! Do I curse and scream at the coaches and players for stupid calls and bad execution? DAMN RIGHT I DO!! Been kicked out out of a couple bars for that, and I don't watch the games at home if my wife is there because of what happened during the 2004 Capital One Bowl......but through it all, I have stayed the course through the good and the bad, the highs and the lows, because this is my team, come Hell or high water! I understand that others don't feel this way, and feel the need to blast the coaching staff ad nauseam, or to lament how we can't acquire the talent needed to contend with the "big boys" in our conference, or even in our division, and that is your right to do so, even if I don't completely agree with your assessments. I will still watch or listen to the games, I will still cheer on the Hawks, and I will still come to Hawkeye Nation to see what others think and say about what's going on. Whether or not we are on the same page about it, it's obvious that we all care about this team, and want the best for them. Now, lets hope for a Gopher Gutting in Minneapolis!!
Why would I stop??? Either you like College football or you don’t. In my view if you stop watching it’s only because you really don’t care for the sport and would in my view be the true definition of a bandwagon fan. I live this time of year College and NFL is the best time of the year.,
At the risk of sounding holier than thou...

My support for Hawkeye sports is not based on wins and losses.

I cheer for the Hawkeyes because I love the University of Iowa. I love the University of Iowa because I have two degrees from the university, and both of my children are current students. I love the university because I love the State of Iowa, and am proud of the role the university plays in the lives of its citizens.

I have cheered for the the Hawkeyes through seasons good and bad. The enjoyment I get from that varies from year to year, but my support wouldn't change if we turned into Rutgers. For better or for worse, I am a Hawkeye fan.

Go Hawks!
been listening and watching since 1956, so yes I will keep watching and hoping, just don't get as excited one way or the other anymore
Well that sounds like fun. That's the thing with this program, you either get pissed at performances like Saturday or you basically get pistol whipped into not giving a shit. Kind of a crappy way to feel and doesn't feel like being a fan much to me.

I can't make myself not care personally. Maybe that makes a weak person. I was up until 3am on Saturday because I couldn't sleep. If my alternative is to turn into a self-mediated zombie that just doesn't care or expect anything, I'll pass. I think I would have to stop watching to get there.

You know what I don't care about? Hawkeye Wrestling. I'd have to hear second hand if we won another national championship. I'd think it was awesome if we did, but I don't care. What that means is, I don't watch Hawkeye wrestling, ever.

I don't live near IC. I typically spend about 30 hours in the car $3,000 to $4,000 a year going to 3 games with my family. Five tickets times 3, $500+ per trip in hotel, merchandise, food and drinks, it adds up. I'm not entitled to a national championship program because I CHOOSE to spend money coming to games. That's insane. But it does make me angry when we piss down our legs like we did Saturday.
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I watch all the games. During the games I scream and cuss and cheer. As soon as the game ends I just go about my day normally.
I watch all the games. During the games I scream and cuss and cheer. As soon as the game ends I just go about my day normally.

Well, you seem pretty grounded to me. I will tell you, there is plenty of mental illness to go around from the negative posters on this board. Happiness & life balance is a novel concept to them.
Well that sounds like fun. That's the thing with this program, you either get pissed at performances like Saturday or you basically get pistol whipped into not giving a shit. Kind of a crappy way to feel and doesn't feel like being a fan much to me.

I can't make myself not care personally. Maybe that makes a weak person. I was up until 3am on Saturday because I couldn't sleep. If my alternative is to turn into a self-mediated zombie that just doesn't care or expect anything, I'll pass. I think I would have to stop watching to get there.

You know what I don't care about? Hawkeye Wrestling. I'd have to hear second hand if we won another national championship. I'd think it was awesome if we did, but I don't care. What that means is, I don't watch Hawkeye wrestling, ever.

I don't live near IC. I typically spend about 30 hours in the car $3,000 to $4,000 a year going to 3 games with my family. Five tickets times 3, $500+ per trip in hotel, merchandise, food and drinks, it adds up. I'm not entitled to a national championship program because I CHOOSE to spend money coming to games. That's insane. But it does make me angry when we piss down our legs like we did Saturday.
It is fun for me. just because I don't piss and moone for two weeks when they loose then I am a zombie? I just replied to the question then I get a dick head like you calling me a zombie.Go back under your rock a-hole.
No I am not "through". I like college football and I'm a hawk fan so not sure how I could ever stop watching altogether. What I AM through with, though, is getting over-emotional about it. I'm not going to let it ruin my week, weekend, or even the rest of the day. Especially not for a program that is normally lucky to do better than 8-4.

I used to be a maniac but hit a point where I realized it's not worth putting so much energy into it. Basically I enjoy the wins and shrug off the losses best I can. Even after this last game.. I was annoyed by it of course but moved on with my night. My remote throwing days are over.

If Iowa was in the playoff or something, then ok I'm sure I'd get pretty jazzed up over that. Otherwise I don't live and die by it anymore.
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