So we lost today...

Sometimes it comes down to getting beat by a better team.

Do you really think Michigan State is a better team? Really? Had Iowa come out of the gates to start the game we would have won this game! Iowa was flat and uninspired the first thirty minutes. I would call that poor preperation by the coaching staff and players not ready to play! Had Iowa played 60 minutes of good fundamental football, along with some intensity, Iowa wins this game! I do not believe one bit that Michigan State is any better than this Iowa team period! The difference is Michigan state was prepared (coaching) and came with a level of intensity that is needed to win in the big ten. Iowa on the other hand, showed up for the 3rd quarter and outside of that deserved what they got. I promise you had Iowa come to play today like our opponents did, we win the game! This team has the talent to win this division they just have no idenity! Thats on the player's and the coaches!
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So you are saying that EVERYONE else is stupid except for you?


YOU and the HANDFUL of other delusional nut balls who are spewing nonsense do not represent EVERYONE by any stretch. Speak for yourself dolt, because you do not speak for ME or anything that even approaches EVERYONE. You people are nothing more than a very vocal, very delusional minority.
I'm not saying people are stupid for saying our staff has a hand in losses. I'm saying people are stupid for saying we lost because we are vanilla, or unemotional, or predictable, or can't develop a qb, or don't play the best players, or don't blitz, or don't use the shotgun, or didn't get McNutt 15 catches, or played Derby ahead of an injured CJ....
or can't see a fake FG or punt or onside kick coming when every pop warner kid watching on tv knows what's coming.
We are less talented than the majority of the bten teams weve played this year. If that were a regular occurance Id be worried.
Whose fault is it that we are less talented this year? Let me give you a hint, it is the coaches'. In college football, a certain amount of failure is both regular and expected. Where you place the threshold for an acceptable level of failure is a matter of opinion. I think we are still in the range of acceptable level of failure, but make no mistake, when there is failure, it is ultimately on the coaches, regardless of whether such failure is within the range of acceptability or not. Stop treating folks like they are stupid for putting these losses on the coaches. That is where the blame ultimately belongs.
I'm not saying people are stupid for saying our staff has a hand in losses. I'm saying people are stupid for saying we lost because we are vanilla, or unemotional, or predictable, or can't develop a qb, or don't play the best players, or don't blitz, or don't use the shotgun, or didn't get McNutt 15 catches, or played Derby ahead of an injured CJ....

I hear ya Duff. And for those complaining Iowa coming out flat and uninspired is on the coaches ask yourself this: if you are a player, on senior day, on the last home game at Kinnick, with a potential division and big ten title in your control, do you get excited for that or do you need a coach to tell you to get excited? If you needed a coach then the problem is with you. Iowa was flat, but that is not on the coaches.
3 years 7 or fewer wins, 3 years 8 or more wins.

Seriously people, you all seem to forget this.

Duff seems to think the down seasons don't match the up seasons. The rest of you don't see the trend will involve an up swing in a couple of years.

Find something else to occupy your time for the next couple of years, or learn to have the mediocre stretch not mean so much.
We are less talented than the majority of the bten teams weve played this year. If that were a regular occurance Id be worried.
Whose fault is this if you believe this?

Clearly the person ultimately responsible is the HC. That said I don't have a problem with being outgunned sometimes. That's football. The good news is it doesn't happen consistently.
3 years 7 or fewer wins, 3 years 8 or more wins.

Seriously people, you all seem to forget this.

Duff seems to think the down seasons don't match the up seasons. The rest of you don't see the trend will involve an up swing in a couple of years.

Find something else to occupy your time for the next couple of years, or learn to have the mediocre stretch not mean so much.

I don't buy this "3 year stretch" pattern for a second. We are just going to have 3 down years in a row no matter what, and then the coaching staff can just put it on cruise control after that because the next 3 years are guaranteed to be good?


This coaching staff had better get it together or it might be more than 3 bad years in a row otherwise. The rest of the Big Ten is not going to hand us anything on a silver platter.. If Iowa football is going to be good again, everyone involved with the program is going to have to go out and make it happen.
Folks, stop looking to blame someone for a loss. Sometimes, it's just not our team's day. That was yesterday. The Hawks made more mistakes yesterday than we typically see. We dug a hole for ourselves with penalties and turnovers. It's a game played with an oval ball and violent hits. Sometimes the unintended happens, and when it happens too much, you lose. Don't get me wrong - I sometimes get frustrated with our predictability, etc. But I do think that, by and large, our players are well coached on how to play the game.
You might not buy the trend, but the stats don't matter. That IS the trend. And, in fact, it is the ONLY trend where you don't have to do creative math.

Basically it probably comes down to two things recruiting and retention, with the good and bad years having an impact on both.
Sometimes it is funny to see how a retarded thought catches on a spreads like a virus between you people. Two weeks ago it was "We won't win another game this year", last week it was "We have a chance to make the Rose Bowl!". Yesterday it was "We won't win another game this year", and today, apparently, it is 'We won't win a game next year too".
Sometimes it is funny to see how a retarded thought catches on a spreads like a virus between you people. Two weeks ago it was "We won't win another game this year", last week it was "We have a chance to make the Rose Bowl!". Yesterday it was "We won't win another game this year", and today, apparently, it is 'We won't win a game next year too".

Kind of like how everyone is pointing out the alleged 3-year trend and saying THAT is why we won't win next year. Not because it would have anything to do with a lack of talent, etc.

Ok, maybe next year won't be a good year either, but I don't believe for a second it's because the 3-year trend has pre-ordained that it will be so. There are other things at work here - like CAAR pointed out (and this is where I do agree with him), the recruiting and attrition the past couple of years is starting to manifest itself.
3 years 7 or fewer wins, 3 years 8 or more wins.

Seriously people, you all seem to forget this.

Duff seems to think the down seasons don't match the up seasons. The rest of you don't see the trend will involve an up swing in a couple of years.

Find something else to occupy your time for the next couple of years, or learn to have the mediocre stretch not mean so much.

Overall, I tend to agree with you, but have a caveat or two:

Although this has been a past trend, it does not guarantee a similar trend in the future. In the B1G, programs are either improving or declining. Consider:

1. Michigan has been way down (relatively) for a bit. That, I predict, will NOT continue. Michigan is bringing in the top DL line recruiting class in the country and the #1 or #2 overall class. Can't count on beating them in a couple of years.

2. MSU is, arguably, on a sustained upswing. They recruit at least as well as Iowa, and are well coached. They aren't going away.

3. Nebraska will likely consistently recruit well, and play well. We haven't played them this year, and they are a new factor to the "up years, down years" formula. They will not be a bottom feeder.

4. Northwestern, as we know, is not an automatic win.

5. Minny....who knows? They could improve a fair amount over the next three years, and they seem to have a solid coach.

6. Purdue (our new protected rival). They are arguably on the upswing and will be tough to beat in the coming years (just my opinion). Look at their historical record vs. the hawks (I know that's not really relevant, but does give one some perspective on the history of their program).

I see Iowa being better the next two years, but I also see every one of their divisional foes being formidable. Again, one could certainly argue otherwise, but I think things are changing and it will be hard to get easy wins.
or can't see a fake FG or punt or onside kick coming when every pop warner kid watching on tv knows what's coming.

I'm amazed at the number of football geniuses and gurus we have on these boards. Yes, I'm sure that you just KNEW that the fake FG was coming yesterday...along with the Minnesota onside kick, and the Wisky fake punt.

Just because you yell "watch the fake" at the top of your lungs every time the opponent lines up in punt or FG formation doesn't mean that you and every "pop warner kid" knew it was coming and predicted it. Heck, that means that you are wrong about 98% of the time when there was no fake, but I don't see you talking about those instances.

Hindsight, as they say, is freaking 20/20.

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