So T-Magic may have quit Nebraska?

All rumors at this point. But after the *** chewing he took last night, I don't know.

[ame=]YouTube - Taylor Martinez gets chewed out by his coach Bo Pelini![/ame]
Didn't hear anything about it, but would you want to play for Bo Pelini? The guy is a straight up a$$.
just a rumor, nothing in the news yet. This will be everywhere here in Omaha....should know soon if it carries any weight.

A lot of criticism of KF not showing enough emotion during the game. I'm here to tell you I would take a stoic coach that get fired up occaisionally that the crazy, brutal lashings that Bo Pelini hands out on a regular basis, embarrassing 18-22 year olds on national television.
Wow. Recruit him. Now. He is a big-time talent.

I'll take classy Captain Kirk anytime over this complete and utter psycho. He is going to kill someone on the sideline -- what an absolute tool
Iowa should take him....

No they shouldn't:
Martinez was texting in the locker room while his ankle was being taped. While it isn't clear who the recipients of these texts was, the majority of opinions and shady sources all point to his father as the person he was in communication with.
Along with this, it has recently come to light that Martinez's father has been playing an increasingly vocal role in saying how his son should play and even sent an angry email to Bo Pelini after his son was benched in the second half of the Texas game.

KF doesn't deal with these parents and there's no way Iowa should take him if this is true.
I can tell you for a fact that TM has not quit the Nebraska football team...yet. If he does, he will be going back to the west coast.
No they shouldn't:
Martinez was texting in the locker room while his ankle was being taped. While it isn't clear who the recipients of these texts was, the majority of opinions and shady sources all point to his father as the person he was in communication with.
Along with this, it has recently come to light that Martinez's father has been playing an increasingly vocal role in saying how his son should play and even sent an angry email to Bo Pelini after his son was benched in the second half of the Texas game.

KF doesn't deal with these parents and there's no way Iowa should take him if this is true.

Sounds like JC6's dad.

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