So Marty Tirrell just posted on twitter...

When is the last time Tirrell was right when he was the "first" to report something? Cause as far as I know this would be the first time if it comes true... The players are currently just lifting this week. They are not starting up practice again till this weekend. Coaches are all out recruiting. I doubt any 2 deep news has been decided just yet. That Marty is a snake and how he has a job still blows my mind. He should be on the east coast where he's from. All he does is try to stir the pot. I can't stand him.

I can't stand that dude either. He's such a ****** bag.
The players are currently just lifting this week. They are not starting up practice again till this weekend. Coaches are all out recruiting. I doubt any 2 deep news has been decided just yet.

Exactly. This tidbit isn't false just because Marty Tirrell... it's false because there's ZERO chance an announcement's been made, even internally.

When you think about it though... great troll. I wonder if a reporter will be dumb enough to ask KF about it? That'll be an epic snort, might draw some booger.
The Mouth of the Midwest as Bob Ryan of the Boston Globe called him is a clown.....

I imagine Jake will start but would like to see CJ play the second half. Certainly wouldn't have hurt against Nebraska.....

Who knows what is going through CJ's mind right now. I liked the attitude of the team when CJ was running the show. They seemed more confident and to me the team chemistry seemed better.....
For CJB, this game is actually pretty personal. I'm sure the team rallied behind him if it turns out to be true.
Remember when Tirrell said Doug McDermott was forgoing his Senior season at Creighton? He has a good percentage shot when he makes claims like this, and hardly NO ONE remembers when he's wrong but if he's right, well, he had it first. That's he change these kind of hacks take when breaking news.
That Sunshine gets the start in the bowl game, Rudock to see "some" action. Of course Marty's never been wrong before.....

Those who say they know, don't know. Those who know, aren't saying. First, you never listen to MT. All he is looking for is publicity. He cares nothing if he is correct, or not. Second, KF isn't going to say what his real plan is and he doesn't owe it to the media or the fans to tell us.
See, people say us rank amateurs with our stupid opinions can't get anything accomplished:cool:

On a more serious note I hope it happens. Sadly, he is setting CJ up for failure. Give CJ a season behind center and he blasts the Vols. Throw him in there cold? That's awesome coaching. Of course back in August he hinted this year both QBs would get equal chances to earn the job. So it's probably JR in the bowl.

That sounds like an apologist excuse.
Has anyone considered that Marty Tirrell and Gary Barta are the same person? Have they ever been in the same room together? Does Gary Barta drop by Toyota of Des Moines around happy hour every afternoon? Did Gary Barta once drop a "six-two and even!" expression at a I-club event and expect anyone to know what it meant?

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