So if Fran bails who's on shortlist?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious if any former Hawks might be considered. Here's 3 off the top of my head. I'm curious who knows of others and what the temperature of the room would maybe be for any of them.
Chris Jans. He's not going to worry about hurt feelings when he tells current players they're not cutting it and have to hit the road to make room for better players.
That's what I would like to see, just wanna win? Time for a hard reality. Get the players in here that will win.
Chris Jans. He's not going to worry about hurt feelings when he tells current players they're not cutting it and have to hit the road to make room for better players.

The guy who started the whole Fran rumor said Jans and Forbes would be on the shortlist for Iowa.
I'm curious if any former Hawks might be considered. Here's 3 off the top of my head. I'm curious who knows of others and what the temperature of the room would maybe be for any of them.

Yes, because the best possible coaching candidate can only be someone that has been associated to the program in the past, like Bob Knight had a history with Indiana and Coach K had a history with Duke, before they both went to those schools. Just Like Lute had direct ties to both Iowa and Arizona.

Oh wait, none of that is true. Those guys had absolutely nothing to do with those programs. Yet people always want to play that game.
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Give Matt Gatens five years and he may be a candidate.
What iowa needs is a future hall of fame coach who has direct ties to the program and never wants to leave. Preferably a young guy like Horner or Oliver who end up spending 30 years here turning Iowa into a blue blood.
Chris Jans - would be #1

Altman - I believe he's always wanted the job but has never been offered it, he was almost out at OR before the last month of the year.

That's a short list for sure - Fran aint leaving anyways, let's hope there are better options come 3 or 4 years down the road.
Chris Jans-- He would have alot of better offers than Iowa so it would be a long shot.

Darian DeVries-- Drake has now had 4 head coaches in 3 years (Giacoletti, Rutter, Medved, DeVries). They will want to keep him around for a little while. His brother played football at UI but like Jans if DeVries plays his cards right he can get better offers than Iowa. Can leverage his recruiting in the Big East while at Creighton. Also a long shot.

Jeff Horner-- Lots of valuable coaching and recruiting experience at the college and high school level. Connections are obvious. What isn't as obvious is whether being a head coach at a D2 school and moving right to the Big Ten is the best move. Also, would he want to come and work for his alma mater for Gary Barta? This would be a better possibility than Jans or DeVries but would be a reach for sure.

Dean Oliver-- Has been all over the Midwest as an Assistant and I think may have seen time in the NBA as an assistant. Again, obvious connections but is the idea of working for his Alma Mater enough to get him here instead of holding out for better offers? Oliver would be the safer hire than Horner in my opinion.

Ryan Bowen-- Reading up it seems like Bowen likes it in the NBA. When he left Iowa following Fran's first year he went to the NBA where he has been for the last 8 years. He likes it in Denver and has a good rapport with Mike Malone the head coach. The fact that he did not go to another college job after leaving Iowa might say something about his coaching aspirations. This would be a pretty good hire but I also think it is a long shot.

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