Well-Known Member
Ive been to three games at MSU all losses. The game that I miss to be in my friends wedding.....7 got 6.
Ive been to three games at MSU all losses. The game that I miss to be in my friends wedding.....7 got 6.
My Hawks aren't an episode of Game of Thrones.... Sports are meant to be watched live. I don't want to hear about it before I see it.
A little bit before you leave drink a bunch of Visine so you get diarrhea and have to stay home. You can watch the game. Granted you will have the runs but for most weddings I have been to it is an even trade.
At this point I think you have grounds for a divorce. Of course I'm kidding but like another poster said it's time for the dvr. I run into this problem once or twice every fall. Obligations get in the way. It's well worth the extra $11.00 month for the dvr. The hard part is trying to keep from hearing the score on the way home. No radio, no phone calls and no stops anywhere on the way home.The bride is a Northern Illinois fan but her husband and his family are Iowa fans. She planned the wedding at 4pm on September 19th thinking Iowa played at 11am that day like they do a lot. Well this backfired nobody is happy. Official invites went out last week and the wedding is at a State Park 1 hour away to boot, meaning there probably will not be a TV with access to cable/sat. This is friend of my wife's but she's in the "I have to go so you do to" vain. She's as let down as I am about the time but it is was it is. Maybe we can leave early from the reception and catch the 2nd half.
Just another reason why fall weddings are a bad idea.
I know it's on BTN because I'm in Chicago that weekend dropping my daughter off for college. I'm so tempted to drive to Iowa City on a whim. Since we live on the West Coast...right now the schedule for Saturday is for us to buy the stuff she will need for her dorm room (bedding, bookcases, etc). The better question for this forum, is how do I get out of that stuff? I don't need the "commitment to our children" speech from the ball and chain.
Right now the plan is to "tell her I need to take a business phone call around 3:00pm, go to the hotel lobby, walk to the car rental, and not come back until about 2:00am." It's all I got right now.
Where is your daughter going to college? Does she, um, need any mentoring?
I think Iowa will win this one by about 2 scores. It should be a fun one to watch especially being a night game at Kinnick!