Small and Slow....


Well-Known Member
I think Miller has said this many times over but our unacceptable recruiting classes along with the Rhbado defects, transfers and other off field situations have finally caught up. If you look at our team it is small and slow. The avergae weight for these guys is as follows:
OL= 286

The ones that stand out are the LB, DL, and OL. Our LB core should be much faster than what I have witnessed for their size.

I think our recruiting has been the main problem. If the talent is not there it is not there.

The staff is responsible for this solely. We have too many work in progress guys who did not have many offers outside of other MAC schools or similar talent.

So this is the result, and if KF doesn't adjust his style or formula then we will get more of the same.... so do you think a guy making as much money as KF is making, is giving the fans their Return on their Investment? I am losing faith.
Well first besides the lines, how much do you think a DB or LB should weigh? You also said slow, but did not post any numbers to back that up.
I think many are football slow, but that will change with pt. I however do not see many truely slow runners.
I agree our lines could use some muscle mass, and off hand I cant recall what the ends weigh, but I would give up a few pounds there for speed anyway.
Our 2009 recruiting class was rated somewhere around 75th nationally and last in the BoneG.

So, I would say the OP is probably onto something.

The last couple of years have seen better, if not stellar, classes.
I think Miller has said this many times over but our unacceptable recruiting classes along with the Rhbado defects, transfers and other off field situations have finally caught up. If you look at our team it is small and slow. The avergae weight for these guys is as follows:
OL= 286

The ones that stand out are the LB, DL, and OL. Our LB core should be much faster than what I have witnessed for their size.

I think our recruiting has been the main problem. If the talent is not there it is not there.

The staff is responsible for this solely. We have too many work in progress guys who did not have many offers outside of other MAC schools or similar talent.

So this is the result, and if KF doesn't adjust his style or formula then we will get more of the same.... so do you think a guy making as much money as KF is making, is giving the fans their Return on their Investment? I am losing faith.

"The staff is responsible for this solely. We have too many work in progress guys who did not have many offers outside of other MAC schools or similar talent."

Yep, Iowa is a bottom of the pack MAC team this year. They will be a MAC level talent team for the rest of ferentz tenure. feretnz had a good run, but his time is up.


Kstate's last 4 recruiting classes have averaged 89th I believe, maybe even worse. Just puttin that out there. Iowa average 48th.

2012 85 Iowa 47
2011 61 Iowa 25
2010 99 Iowa 45
2009 112 Iowa 75
Kstate's last 4 recruiting classes have averaged 89th I believe, maybe even worse. Just puttin that out there. Iowa average 48th.

2012 85 Iowa 47
2011 61 Iowa 25
2010 99 Iowa 45
2009 112 Iowa 75

So everyone that complains about Kurk and not being able to coach is correct, it has to be the coach. There is no other logical explanation.
I think Miller has said this many times over but our unacceptable recruiting classes along with the Rhbado defects, transfers and other off field situations have finally caught up. If you look at our team it is small and slow. The avergae weight for these guys is as follows:
OL= 286

If my memory is correct, one student athlete left who was part of the rhbado incident. He was borderline in terms of his ability and may have left because he saw the writing on the wall.

The ones that stand out are the LB, DL, and OL. Our LB core should be much faster than what I have witnessed for their size.

I think our recruiting has been the main problem. If the talent is not there it is not there.

The staff is responsible for this solely. We have too many work in progress guys who did not have many offers outside of other MAC schools or similar talent.

So this is the result, and if KF doesn't adjust his style or formula then we will get more of the same.... so do you think a guy making as much money as KF is making, is giving the fans their Return on their Investment? I am losing faith.
I think we only lost one student athlete over the weight training program incident, and he was borderline in terms of his ability to get any playing time and may have seen the writing on the wall.
Kstate's last 4 recruiting classes have averaged 89th I believe, maybe even worse. Just puttin that out there. Iowa average 48th.

2012 85 Iowa 47
2011 61 Iowa 25
2010 99 Iowa 45
2009 112 Iowa 75

Correct, but Snyder coaches to his players' strength. Ferentz has almost never done that. Only time I remember is that one year where they ran out of running backs and put in a passing offense. Other than that it's been the same schemes no matter what the talent.

Correct, but Snyder coaches to his players' strength. Ferentz has almost never done that. Only time I remember is that one year where they ran out of running backs and put in a passing offense. Other than that it's been the same schemes no matter what the talent.


Does anyone know if Bill Snyder has taken away any scholarships from players off those poor recruiting classes to give to a juco or another recruit.

Snyder has used the juco ranks over the years and he may still be doing it.

Until someone can tell me that Snyder is using everyone of those original freshman on his team then I would say dont compare recruting classes.

KF should have brought in a bunch of juco recruits in 2010 and 2011, redshirted them and then they would be jrs and srs this year.
Correct, but Snyder coaches to his players' strength. Ferentz has almost never done that. Only time I remember is that one year where they ran out of running backs and put in a passing offense. Other than that it's been the same schemes no matter what the talent.


Is that your gig? Really? How many kids go to KST wanting to go pro? I mean as a HS student would you rather go to Iowa or KST? Get a grip. KST looks good THIS year.
Is that your gig? Really? How many kids go to KST wanting to go pro? I mean as a HS student would you rather go to Iowa or KST? Get a grip. KST looks good THIS year.

With all due respect to you, your reply is incoherent to what I stated.

Ok let me put it another way. If you are a top recruit, #1 in your state, do you go to Iowa or KST? If it was your kid, where do you send them? KST is a flash in the pan. You dont go there if you want to play on sundays. Infact even thou in a few weeks Nebby will crush us, you dont go there. It is about trying to get kids that Bama has, NOT the kids ISU, KST or Nebby has.
Get that? BUILDING A Program. KILL would rather do it different and so would Hoke. I would guess so would Bo. Those programs are trying to win now. We are trying to step up and be a power house. THIS IS WHERE THE COACHES ARE FAILING. RECRUIT. Need I say more?
Ok let me put it another way. If you are a top recruit, #1 in your state, do you go to Iowa or KST? If it was your kid, where do you send them? KST is a flash in the pan. You dont go there if you want to play on sundays. Infact even thou in a few weeks Nebby will crush us, you dont go there. It is about trying to get kids that Bama has, NOT the kids ISU, KST or Nebby has.
Get that? BUILDING A Program. KILL would rather do it different and so would Hoke. I would guess so would Bo. Those programs are trying to win now. We are trying to step up and be a power house. THIS IS WHERE THE COACHES ARE FAILING. RECRUIT. Need I say more?

Damn it, you made me spit coffee all over my screen this morning. You're trying to say Hoke, Penisly, Kill and others are on one side of the equation and the every so saintly but ultimately captain coward is on the other side. That the previously mentioned group of three are perhaps way "off base" and only the skirt wearing, gum chewing, note taking captain coward has it right.

Damn, your really are "olddue", me thinks too old dude!
Does anyone know if Snyder benches players for lack of performance? Does he go through running backs like swatting flies?
Ok let me put it another way. If you are a top recruit, #1 in your state, do you go to Iowa or KST? If it was your kid, where do you send them? KST is a flash in the pan. You dont go there if you want to play on sundays. Infact even thou in a few weeks Nebby will crush us, you dont go there. It is about trying to get kids that Bama has, NOT the kids ISU, KST or Nebby has.
Get that? BUILDING A Program. KILL would rather do it different and so would Hoke. I would guess so would Bo. Those programs are trying to win now. We are trying to step up and be a power house. THIS IS WHERE THE COACHES ARE FAILING. RECRUIT. Need I say more?

Still not sure why you would respond that way to what I stated. My whole point was that Snyder coaches to his players' strength. ferentz, for the most part, does not.

Your reply proves the point that ferentz has to have good talent to win, while Syder does not. That says a lot.



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