Site Issues today (2/1)


Godaddy is looking into what has caused the crash this morning.

Obviously, I am not pleased and am already looking into some possible solutions, some that included changing to a more reliable hosting company.

CycloneFanatic made a move back in November, and things have worked out well for them and the traffic numbers for two sites are similar enough to make me think that might be a right solution for this site.

I apologize for the downtime. I know its frustrating on your end but believe me when I tell you this sort of thing has me nearly putting holes in walls. I have not done that yet...and hope I have matured enough to not do that...but no guarantees today ;)

Needless to say, it ticks me off to no end. Thanks for hanging in there with me.
Sounds like GoDaddy might be going. It's still incredibly slow to non-functioning for me.
Thanks for your efforts, Jon. Sure it's frustrating. No need to punch holes in the wall. If you have a cat, just kick it.
Yes, we switched to godaddy this month. Security wise, it has been a good move. Performance wise, it has been unacceptable.

I will see what tweaks they make or what they say they find that caused today's outage. The two other times in the past 14 days there has been an outage, it has been later at night when traffic load is light.

This morning was around 9:15am...and sure, there were a lot of people on here, but still, they should be able to handle the load. The server company CF has does, and they have as many if not more people on their site than this, as there are just two ISU sites, and really only one that offers any free content to the masses...for Iowa, there are several sites people go to, so users are spread out.

At least I know of a company that can handle that load...

I am working on this, and again, sorry for the spotty service today
The site is horribly slow, you probably know that by now. Could the litlle video screen at playing lowlights of Iowa basketball be part of the slowness problem?

Good luck with getting the site working better John!

Today's issues have nothing to do with the video player. And yes, I realize its slow...until I make an 'All Clear' post, it's probably going to be spotty
Very slow here also. At least the Iowa/Michigan basketball highlights are rolling along nicely....:cool:

At least it didn't happen tomorrow morning at 9:15 AM!!!
Take that times 100, and you have my blood pressure today :)

But thx for trying.

I literally only have three sites i access 10+ times a day:

JP Morgan Chase (Finances);
24 Hour Fitness (Work);
Hawkeyenation (Leisure);

& every once & awhile: when I'm feeling lucky ;)
8-10 second response time on this site right now.....instantaneous at the other websites I have been using. I hope GoDaddy has a plan to resolve this shortly Jon.
8-10 second response time on this site right now.....instantaneous at the other websites I have been using. I hope GoDaddy has a plan to resolve this shortly Jon.

Yes, in case you have not seen the previous threads in this post, I am aware the site is not responding per usual, and have said that it might be spotty for a bit.

I am at around 2 or 3 seconds for pages to load. Some instances, some are getting hung up longer
Jon, I think there's something going on with the site. Might want to look into it. looks to me like there's a clog in the cables somewhere.
Jon, couldn't email you directly. Is that a GoDaddy issue as well?

FWIW, I have a friend who's relied on GoDaddy for much of his business hosting and has had numerous problems over the past month. He's switching.
Not really looking for feedback right now. I realize the site is not operating at the level we need it to be at. I made this post to let folks know we are aware of a problem, and be as communicative as I can. I have been on the phone with Godaddy several times today, including inside the last 15 minutes.

The irony is that before i made that call 15 minutes ago, the site was performing as quickly as it had since being reset this morning. I dont find that to be coincidental.

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