Site Drag Issue


I too am experiencing a site drag issue, more than normal and at a level that I find unacceptable.

I am going to continue to monitor this over the weekend, and will take measures to correct it on Monday. I appreciate your patience as we continue to work towards finding a balance between third party advertising arrangements and acceptable site performance levels. Thanks
I was going to reply that I thought it had been acceptable today until I tried to load this very page.

I don't know if it is the order the items are loading, but since we moved the AthletixNation ad above the fold from below the fold, that has coincided with the drag, at least with my user experience today. My GUESS is that the AthletixNation module is being served first...if I can get it to change to where it is served LAST, as it seemingly was before, that might be a short term compromise.
athletixnation is the problem it has to i think for an overall layout it just doesn't fit there unless you place more ads in that white space
It has been really bad for about the last week or so. At least on my end, but haven't had issues with other sites.
Check out the layout of It's a forum with probably just as many 3rd party ads and maintains a clean layout.
Yes, I was just going to bring it to your attention. I know I clicked on one thread and the Iowa-Michigan game came up on Athletixnation came up and would let the thread open. Waited 60 seconds and clicked back to main board.
id move the video player above the forums, social group etc menu then sell that space jon the site navigation is just thrown off with it where its at

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