Since it's monday and not much is going on....


Well-Known Member
Greetings fellow hawkeyes--- quick disclaimer, if there was already a similar thread that has already been over killed, then accept my apologies....

But I was wondering if anyone else is struggling with the anticipation... I don't mean in terms of Oh my god, can't handle it, i mean as far as the excitement, nervousness, an added sense of emotions i guess.... this time of year I'm already pretty ancie and stoked(always stoked about upcoming hawkeye football, even in 08 coming off a miserable season) but i can maintain a decent focus, but not this year, frankly i'm almost a mess(this can't be normal) i find myself constantly going to websites that are more football related this work related .... all i can think about is the black and gold and what this season is going to unfold, good, bad or indifferent. I feel like a kid at christmas and it's that time between thanksgiving and christmas day and each day keeps getting longer and with each passing day the more hyper i get --- the news isn't "new" anymore...pretty much everything is already out there--- so now what--how the heck are we going to kill 2 weeks of over cabage-chewing......

someone feel free to b**ch slap me and bring me back to earth (although planet Herkie is pretty good times, i recommend you check it out) or share a good story, etc. ----- I'm not alone here right?
I went through puberty once and once was enough. My voice changed, I grew hair in strange places, and became even more interested in the opposite sex. I've heard that it's hormone related....
My take is that, after winning a major bowl for the first time since the 1950s, and returning a huge amount of talent, we are in uncharted territory.

It took 50 years to get back to this level, so letting this opportunity get away would be devastating.
Now is the time that you need to work your butt off. At home, if you have a "honey-to-do-list", scratch as many of those items off the list. Fix the fence, clean the garage, trim the trees. At work, get ahead if at all possible. You'll find in two weeks, you can sit back and enjoy the game that much more. And since you'll be working a lot, time will seem to move faster.
I've nailed that on the home front (came in very handy this weekend) work not so much, it's easier at home because i've got the little man that keeps me plenty busy and pre occupied.... work....that's the poop kicker, good news is we're entering end of month push and that's when things always get's hairy around here...

appreciate the various ball busting and suggestions--helps a fellow hawkeye stay honest lol i tend to get pretty tipsy of the punch sometimes
OKay, I'll B***h slap you. Not because you need it, but because I got hit some body and It's your turn. I'm going crazy watching all of our games from last year a dozen times. BTN hasn't even satisfied me.
I'm at the point of numbness to the excitement, anticipation ect... I have watched all the videos, all the youtube videos, and read all the preseason articles and such. Got the goosebumps, talked smack to all my ISU buddies, played my first year in my dynasty on NCAA 2010 (won the NC by the way) and ate some food in between that time. Now its "hurry up and wait" time, and I'm pretty sure I've accepted it. It will all come back next Friday as the only way I will be able to sleep that night is if I get loaded. Probably gonna have to get loaded.
you didn't' hit hard enough AZ--it didnt' work dang it--- yeah i'm pretty much over watching the BTN replay games (seriously--how many times are you going to show the flippn rose bowl game??)

Hey--whatever happened to the weekly countdown thread where each week there was a "subject" or theme for that week.... or wait--phuck, did that thread get killed too??

Maaaaaaan, we really could use an ISU sunspension story right now
you didn't' hit hard enough AZ--it didnt' work dang it--- yeah i'm pretty much over watching the BTN replay games (seriously--how many times are you going to show the flippn rose bowl game??)

Hey--whatever happened to the weekly countdown thread where each week there was a "subject" or theme for that week.... or wait--phuck, did that thread get killed too??

Maaaaaaan, we really could use an ISU sunspension story right now

Is that you, Tex McGruder?

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