So those of you raising children or have raised children: where is the line at? Teaching mental toughness and perseverance versus dialing it back. Does it really come down to the makeup of your kid?
For me, as a parent, there is no "line". I try to model positive behavior for them, but we've always prided ourselves in treating our kids like the little people they are. Make sure they know what opportunities, activities, etc are available to them, but ultimately support them in whatever they do or don't want to do. Just be kind to yourself and others, follow your passions. Happiness, while it isn't guaranteed, is very likely to follow. We've made very clear that traditional measures of "success" mean nothing to us as parents. Money, fancy car, nice house, trophies, degrees, job titles, whatever it might be. Chase that stuff if you want, but it means F all to us (as parents) just so long as you're happy.
You can't guarantee success, but you can guarantee failure. Oh boy, can you ever guarantee failure. Easily. Even by accident in the course of doing things that you think are under the Good Parenting umbrella.
It kills me - absolutely kills me - to think how many human beings, "from 8 to 80" as they say, are walking around with the painful and inescapable awareness that they weren't *quite* what mom and/or dad had in mind in some way or another, big or small.
If you enjoy pushing to the absolute limit in your own life, by all means, go nuts. I'm certainly that way about a lot of things in my life - I enjoy it, its fun for me. My kids give every impression of being a hell of a lot more chilled out than dad. That bothers me not at all. Newsflash: they're not me! They didn't ask to be born, so they sure as shit didn't ask to be put in a position to be some kind of sick life trophy for me. Let your kids be their own people, everyone will be much happier in the long run.