Sick and tired of hearing about Foles not playing last year


Well-Known Member
All I keep reading is how Foles didn't play much last year and he scored on the one drive that he played, blah blah.

Does anyone think that maybe part of it was we didn't scheme for him/prepare for him since he wasn't the starter?

Given a week to prepare for his tendencies and his style I don't see this as being a huge issue.

We are the better team. They have a good Offense and we have a good Defense....but we have a better Offense than they have of averages states that as long as we don't shoot ourselves in the foot with turnovers/mistakes we should win in the long run.

Stay positive and will be a hard game but we'll come out on top.
All I keep reading is how Foles didn't play much last year and he scored on the one drive that he played, blah blah.

Does anyone think that maybe part of it was we didn't scheme for him/prepare for him since he wasn't the starter?

Given a week to prepare for his tendencies and his style I don't see this as being a huge issue.

We are the better team. They have a good Offense and we have a good Defense....but we have a better Offense than they have of averages states that as long as we don't shoot ourselves in the foot with turnovers/mistakes we should win in the long run.

Stay positive and will be a hard game but we'll come out on top.

As somebody else on this board or some other board pointed out, neither did DJK, Moeaki or Bulaga, yet they were still beaten handily. In any event, are they really a better team than the one that was completely overmatched in their bowl game (it was tough to watch)? Maybe, but they are probably about to get exposed.
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All I keep reading is how Foles didn't play much last year and he scored on the one drive that he played, blah blah.

Does anyone think that maybe part of it was we didn't scheme for him/prepare for him since he wasn't the starter?

Given a week to prepare for his tendencies and his style I don't see this as being a huge issue.

We are the better team. They have a good Offense and we have a good Defense....but we have a better Offense than they have of averages states that as long as we don't shoot ourselves in the foot with turnovers/mistakes we should win in the long run.

Stay positive and will be a hard game but we'll come out on top.

Uhhhhhhh he played the entire bowl game and didnt score once. The guy is not as good as advertised. I wouldnt be worried, especially if you guys are packing the D you are expecting.
I don't worry about Moeaki or Bulaga since we don't have them this year why should that play into this year?

That argument hasn't made sense to me, UofA isn't gameplanning for either of those guys.

I will give you DJK and Hampton.
I don't worry about Moeaki or Bulaga since we don't have them this year why should that play into this year?

That argument hasn't made sense to me, UofA isn't gameplanning for either of those guys.

I will give you DJK and Hampton.

I think the point people are making is that everyone says you lost 2 high draft picks off your offense from last year so you can't be as good. Well our reply is that neither of those 2 high draft picks played against Arizona last year so that is an invalid assumption that losing those players will hurt our performance against Arizona this year.
I think the point people are making is that everyone says you lost 2 high draft picks off your offense from last year so you can't be as good. Well our reply is that neither of those 2 high draft picks played against Arizona last year so that is an invalid assumption that losing those players will hurt our performance against Arizona this year.

I don't worry about Moeaki or Bulaga since we don't have them this year why should that play into this year?

That argument hasn't made sense to me, UofA isn't gameplanning for either of those guys.

I will give you DJK and Hampton.

That's true, but I think the point folks make w/r/t Bulaga and Moeaki is that last year Iowa beat Arizona handily without arguably their two best offensive players, i.e., with backups in those spots, and this year Iowa is coming back with all their starters. The more I think about it, it really isn't all that relevant, but I see the point trying to be made, which is, "UA better be that much better this year, b/c Iowa is."
How is it not a valid point? Foles didn't play against Iowa. That's kind of an important note. He is now one of the best QBs in the PAC 10, right up there with Luck and Locker. I am not saying that he is going to blow Iowa up, but his presence is only going to make AZ that much better...unless he winds up being the meat in a Clay-Binns sandwich.
How is it not a valid point? Foles didn't play against Iowa. That's kind of an important note. He is now one of the best QBs in the PAC 10, right up there with Luck and Locker. I am not saying that he is going to blow Iowa up, but his presence is only going to make AZ that much better...unless he winds up being the meat in a Clay-Binns sandwich.

It's a valid point but not nearly to the level that Zona fans make it out to be. Foles played at the end of the game and scored, but it was against our #2s in garbage time. We had seen approximately 0 footage of him in the Arizona system at the time and didn't really know what to expect. But his presence will only make Arizona better if he can operate and I don't think he'll be able to. Our DL is too good and our gameplan is too vanilla for him to be able to expose us and find open guys downfield. They seem to think they'll be able to dink and dunk down the field in 5-10 yard increments, but we'll see their plan and start jamming receivers and jumping routes.

He's a good QB but he's not Locker or Luck. There's a reason he had 50 yards and 0 TD against Nebraska.
Foles' TD drive last year against us in mop-up time is/was about as meaningful as Arnaud's drive to break the TD-less streak last week.
Yea. What if? What if? Blah Blah Blah!!!

We'll see how good Mr Nick Foles is Saturday with defensive tackles & def ends up in his mug on every single pass play. The key will be that Iowa can get pressure with their front 4 while leaving 8 back to cover. We'll see how well he can do with that. It will be fun to watch.

AZ fans keep saying how good he is & how accurate. Maybe he is with 3 seconds in the pocket. We'll see how he does with the best D line in the nation having him in their crosshairs.
Foles was 6/20 and just 28 yards against Nebraska last year. And I'd argue that our pass defense was better than theirs. This year, our pass defense probably isn't as lights out as it was last year, but still... I just can't see Arizona's offense lighting up Iowa's defense, unless the latter doesn't show up for this game.

This game is going to come down to preparation. If we're prepped and ready to go for this game, I think we win easily. If we come out sluggish, making stupid mistakes, then we might be in for a long night...
I am sick of hearing about UA. We are light years ahead of where we were at this time last year! Last week proved that.
Foles was 6/20 and just 28 yards against Nebraska last year. And I'd argue that our pass defense was better than theirs. This year, our pass defense probably isn't as lights out as it was last year, but still... I just can't see Arizona's offense lighting up Iowa's defense, unless the latter doesn't show up for this game.

This game is going to come down to preparation. If we're prepped and ready to go for this game, I think we win easily. If we come out sluggish, making stupid mistakes, then we might be in for a long night...

Well Duh!
Foles' TD drive last year against us in mop-up time is/was about as meaningful as Arnaud's drive to break the TD-less streak last week.

The one problem with your remark is that he was moving the ball against Iowa's 1st team D. However, that said, UA needed to convert on two 4th downs ... and Iowa was basically game-planning to make them work for those points and forcing them to bleed the clock. Iowa possibly could have taken some slightly bigger risks ... but they didn't want to get burned for a quick TD through the air (although Antolin burned them on a pretty big run).
Foles entered last year's game when Iowa held a 27-10 lead and there was like 5 minutes left to play. At that time the only thing the Iowa defense was doing was keeping everything in front of them and in bounds.

The biggest play on the scoring drive was a run of like 30 yards and it was certainly not due to anything Foles did. My point is that Iowa wanted the Az offense to run ot the clock or force something and turn it over. They were happy to take it either way.

They would have let me dink and dunk them as long as I was burning clock.
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That TD that foles got against the Hawks was a garbage time TD against Iowa's backups. The score was 27-10 when Foles came into the game!!
That TD that foles got against the Hawks was a garbage time TD against Iowa's backups. The score was 27-10 when Foles came into the game!!

Sorry but that is NOT accurate. Iowa's starters WERE in. However, Iowa was playing a bit more of a prevent D in order to prevent UA from getting a quick score.

Also, that final drive of UA started with only something like 4 minutes left. Given Iowa's D and given the current clock rules ... that's not a whole lot of time ... not to come back from a 27-10 deficit at least.

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