Sick and tired of hearing about Foles not playing last year

I understand where the talk comes from, but that doesn't mean it's going to make a difference in this case. For example, in the NW game and OSU games last season I was moaning about not having Stanzi. When the starter goes out that makes a huge difference in cfb, deace will back me up on this. It's impossible to say what would have happened if Foles had played the entire game last year. I don't think it would have mattered but getting thrown in to the game in garbage time when probably everyone except the person getting thrown in has given in to inevitable defeat is no way to judge the player or what could have happened if he had been playing the entire game.
I'm watching the replay right now and Foles enters at the start of the 4th quarter. It's funny. Earlier in the game (about midway through the 2nd quarter) the announcers make a comment about how Scott is their offense to this point and they need to find plays for him to utilize his mobility. He wasn't terrible with his passing although his stats say otherwise. We were in the backfield on every play. We dominated the line of scrimmage in this game. I will see who is in on D on the last drive coming up here shortly...
The key though is that in the final drive, the Iowa D was willing to give UA anything they wanted that was short. The key was simply to keep everything in front of them. The problem is that Antolin's big run probably caught us a bit by surprise. At least we still forced them to run a little extra clock after that in order to score. Even with the long play, it still ate up enough clock that they didn't have a chance to get back into the game.
Also, as a counter-point to the original theme of the thread ... I'm sure that Arizona fans are sick and tired of hearing about Iowa's DL ... or about how they'll match up against Iowa's "size" and toughness.

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