Should MLB award Galarraga a Perfect Game?


Well-Known Member
According to ESPN, MLB is deciding whether or not to review/reverse the blown call last night. Do you think they should award Galarraga a Perfect Game?

MLB deciding whether to review blown call that costs Armando Galarraga of Detroit Tigers perfect game - ESPN

I say No. I think It sets a bad precedent and where does it stop. Do you go back and award the 1985 Cardinals the World Series?

While there is no question that the call was wrong and that the outcome blows for Galarraga, the bottom line is, that until MLB institutes an instant replay type system these calls are going to happen.

Here's another reaction to the call:

[ame=""]YouTube - Armando Galarraga's perfect game is stolen by Jim Joyce, which of course makes Hitler very upset.[/ame]
Sucks to be him, but no, absolutely not and for the reasons that you listed better than I'd be able to.
I know it would be a bad precedent but in this case it does not alter the out come of the game. I think it would be the best for all concerned. I'm sure this is what the umpire would like as well.
they can NOT overturn this thing just gives them more reason to use instant reply.

but who knows now in professional sports its all a joke
No, Sure this umpire made a bad judgement call, but that's the human factor that is known before the game is played, people make mistakes. I feel sorry for a player that has his chance at doing something only a select handfull of players have ever done, and to have that taken away on a bad call is still part of the game. The umpire later apologized to Galaraga that he missed the call. Major League baseball cannot go back and award him a perfect game after the fact. Doing so would open up a can of worms that would only serve to create more issues. So I vote NO.
I don't think it should be changed either. Its unfortunate and I have no clue what Joyce was thinking but it is what it is. If anything, this perfect/non-perfect game will get more notoriety than many others over the years because of the circumstance.
There are so many reasons for both sides to debate. I think it should be changed its not like the winning run scored on the play. But then if you do MLB is going to be asked to change every call from here on out. It is just another problem to show how bad Selig is at being the top dog
Hell yeah they should change it, but they probably won't. Just how baseball rolls. Human error should not take away a perfect game, especially when they're so uncommon (maybe not this year, but you know what I mean).
Absolutely not. Errors are made every day and that's just part of the game. What would happen if a pitcher has a perfect game going into the last batter and the count is 3-2 and he gets walked on a blown ball/strike call?

The play in question was a bang - bang play and even after watching the replay you could still go either way on the call. The call could have been challenged to the home plate umpire, it wasn't.
Change it

That would bring us one step closer to having robots be the umpires. Sure, I will miss Joyce's Hulk Hogan mustache but I will survive
The play in question was a bang - bang play and even after watching the replay you could still go either way on the call. The call could have been challenged to the home plate umpire, it wasn't.

No. The play wasn't that close. He was out by a full step. The umpire admitted he was wrong after watching the replay, which umpires never do. It was that bad.
I think it should be changed. It would put more pressure on MLB to institute replay for such plays. But like GoHawks said, it probably won't happen.
Absolutely not. Errors are made every day and that's just part of the game. What would happen if a pitcher has a perfect game going into the last batter and the count is 3-2 and he gets walked on a blown ball/strike call?

The play in question was a bang - bang play and even after watching the replay you could still go either way on the call. The call could have been challenged to the home plate umpire, it wasn't.
This actually happened (the perfect game, 3-2 on the last batter)! Milt Pappas in 1972 pitching for the Cubs.

Here's an article referring to the game ... - Froemming draws Pappas' ire, 35 years later
The play in question was a bang - bang play and even after watching the replay you could still go either way on the call. The call could have been challenged to the home plate umpire, it wasn't.

first off, you must have seen a different replay than the rest of us, because he was OUT

secondly, another ump would never attempt to overrule the 1B ump on a safe/out call at 1B ... especially when the 1B ump is a 20+ year vet
if MLB reverses this call, Kerry Wood should get a no-hitter for his 20K game in '98

Gutierrez's "hit" was really and error by Kevin Orie
Selig still shows he is a moron.

While I agree he's a moron, it's not because he didn't overturn the call. It's the right move.

However, c'mon Selig...first the panzy-a$$ stance on steroids after you knew it was going on, and, replay technology has been around for decades in NFL, college FB, on and on, yet baseball hasn't made one step forward to implement it.

Oh, for what it's worth, it's way past time to un-ban Pete Rose.
Selig made the right call to not overturn the blown call, unfortunate as that may be to the pitcher and the umpire. Sports are played by human beings following rules written and enforced by same. Errors are made every day.

As others have noted, this apparent "perfect" game will gain more notoriety and be recalled forever more in baseball lore, much more than if the last batter had been called out.

And, please, no replay in baseball. (I hate it in other sports as well.)

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