Short of the Playoffs

The cool thing about the Rose Bowl is the Pac 12 kinda sucks this year so we would have a good chance to win.
I would love to have Iowa - Alabama in the NC game with Iowa winning 24-14 and Kirk shaking hands with Ross P after the game
A Rose Bowl victory is something we haven't experienced since Evy was coach. If we can't make the playoffs, it's certainly time to win a Rose Bowl.
As long as we're not picked by another bowl before the Rose Bowl like in 2009. Yes we won the orange bowl and it was awesome, but I was jacked for my first ever Rose Bowl.
First hope is a Playoff birth.

If that doesn't happen then Rose bowl would be my next hope.
Stanford doesn't football boner for me. Their a lot not sexy pants like us. I'd rather have someone more sexy pants to make it more sexyness.
Short of the playoff... Rose Bowl for sure, this is just a great event that every Big Ten football fan should experience. Attended the 82, 86, and 91 Rose Bowl's, and would enjoy another visit, it really is a great event.
We need Ohio State to keep winning, so even if we lose the B1G championship game, we could, still have the Rose Bowl to fall back on.

......and yes, the top Pac 12 teams, Stanford and Utah, don't move the needle.
USC, UCLA, Oregon would be a much, more "sexy" match-up.

Pac 12 isn't going to the College Football Playoffs, unlike November is more chaotic, than normal.
If we are fortunate enough to go and play Stanford in the Rose Bowl it's a win win. If we beat them great and if we lose we can blame the time zone for not playing well.Oh Gee they already used that excuse.Go Hawks
The rose bowl would be nice, but I always relish the idea of taking on an SEC team and burying them. The constant love of the SEC is nauseating.