Selby to Kansas

These one and dones are hurting college basketball, I agree. What was Jess Settles? A six and done...jaja He was one of my favorites
Well at least KU knows they will have another scholarship for next year's recruiting class.

I think they should increase the age restriction by another year and make them two years removed from High School.
KCRG news said the other night that Harrison Barnes planned on playing for NC for 1 year and then going to the NBA as a lottery pick.

I don't mind the 1 and done thing. To me it's better for college basketball that some of the best talent in the world still plays NCAA ball for at least a year. Is it a farce? sure. But it sells tickets, keeps people interested and I think helps thegame that these kids at least play 1 year.

Still the glory days of the NCAA are behind us. When you had the best talent in the world playing 4 years, great teams had 4 great recruiting classes the matchups were sometimes epic.

Sampson vs Ewing, Jordan, Perkins and Worthy on 1 team, the Phi Slama Jama. those were great and deep teams. JMO.
KCRG news said the other night that Harrison Barnes planned on playing for NC for 1 year and then going to the NBA as a lottery pick.

I don't mind the 1 and done thing. To me it's better for college basketball that some of the best talent in the world still plays NCAA ball for at least a year. Is it a farce? sure. But it sells tickets, keeps people interested and I think helps thegame that these kids at least play 1 year.

Still the glory days of the NCAA are behind us. When you had the best talent in the world playing 4 years, great teams had 4 great recruiting classes the matchups were sometimes epic.

Sampson vs Ewing, Jordan, Perkins and Worthy on 1 team, the Phi Slama Jama. those were great and deep teams. JMO.

Yeah, Barnes and Selby would both be lottery picks this year if they were eligible.
I think the NBA should make their elgibility rule similar to the NFL's. It would make both the NBA and NCAA better.
I think the NBA should make their elgibility rule similar to the NFL's. It would make both the NBA and NCAA better.

I agree, the education should be far more important than going pro for a career that might end in a few years or even sooner with an injury.

Graduate then go pro...
I agree, the education should be far more important than going pro for a career that might end in a few years or even sooner with an injury.

Graduate then go pro...

But if they were barred from going directly to the NBA and got injured in a few years, the injury would happen in college and they'd miss out on all the money they could have made. Sure, they'd have a college degree, but how long would it take the average college graduate to make the kind of money an NBA first-round pick typically earns in just one season?
I don't like the current system at all. They are not student athletes. Let them go pro if that's what they want to do.
I agree, they don't want to go to college so let them go pro. Let the pros babysit them instead of making college coaches do it for one year. Either that or make the players go to the developmental league for a year instead of college and let the pros spend the money on developing them. The players do not want to go to college so why make them...If the kids can't make it too bad, the kids made a bad choice...
But if they were barred from going directly to the NBA and got injured in a few years, the injury would happen in college and they'd miss out on all the money they could have made. Sure, they'd have a college degree, but how long would it take the average college graduate to make the kind of money an NBA first-round pick typically earns in just one season?

Ok, so say a young player makes it to the NBA, plays until he is 28, makes several million dollars, and either is injured or just gets beat out by better players.

Without a college education, the odds of that individual being able to have the knowledge to invest wisely and budget the money earned during the time in the NBA to last a lifetime is unlikely. Then you have an uneducated individual that is broke...I think their are already enough people that fall into that class...

In addition, how many people go in the first round? Of those, how many make it five years? What happens to those that do not make it?

As for the injury, I believe what happens will happen anyway, going pro does not stop one from a career ending injury, however, having a degree at least gives the individual a backup plan.

Education first, pro career second...

I agree, they don't want to go to college so let them go pro. Let the pros babysit them instead of making college coaches do it for one year. Either that or make the players go to the developmental league for a year instead of college and let the pros spend the money on developing them. The players do not want to go to college so why make them...If the kids can't make it too bad, the kids made a bad choice...
There you go! You can go direct to the NBA but the first two years must be in the D league then you can jump up. Or come to college and stay two years.
The one and done system also prevents a teams dominance or establishing a dynasty similar to UConn's womens team. Im on the fence about it, i see both the positives and negatives, but imagine if the likes of Kobe and Lebron played just one year of college.
I prefer baseball's model. Go pro if you want to, but if you go to college you're staying three years.

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