Seantrel Henderson to announce on Feb 3

Him announcing on ESPN has nothing to do with what school he is choosing and everything to do with having the spotlight on him.
He is the #1 recruit in the country (by some services). He was asked to make the announcement on Tom Lemmings ESPN show. Give the kid his due. He has worked hard and has earned the right to be in the spotlight on this. I have read nothing indicating that he is anything but a great football player and will be great for whatever team he ends up with. If you want to go after ESPN for making recruiting such a big deal, so be it, but that is not the players fault. Of course, criticizing ESPN may be a little hypocritical when done by men who check an Internet forum 20 times a day for recruiting news.

He'll get his due. Reading the tea leaves on this one, it just likely won't be at Iowa...and we'll end up looking back in 3 years & say we didn't miss a beat without him.

It's indicative of the fact that it appears that Mr. Henderson likes to be shown 'the love'. We're not real good at showing 'the love' -- we're good at talking about committment, hard work, & being part of something bigger than yourself -- (and oh by the way, doing those things put you in the NFL, too...).

Just not sounding like the right fit, imo...
If Seantrel chooses Iowa then GREAT! If he decides to go else where then we go on with our lives, the football team prepares as it would anyway. The world doesn't stop turning the sun doesn't stop shining.
Good luck to him wherever he chooses.
Go Hawks!
IF this announcing in NY is his dad's gig, then so be it. If seantral pushed for this and wanted this to happen, then IMO we don't want him. If he wants the spotlight right out of the chute, then he won't fit in the Ferentz scheme of things. If this deal is all about his dad, then get him down here and show him what TEAM is all about. Hard to read this. I think an 18 yr old kid being put on parade just so tom lemming and a handful of people can make money off of it is rediculous. You want the spotlight, earn it. Just my Opinion. He seemed like a down to earth and heady kid in his Army game interviews, so we'll see.
IF this announcing in NY is his dad's gig, then so be it. If seantral pushed for this and wanted this to happen, then IMO we don't want him. If he wants the spotlight right out of the chute, then he won't fit in the Ferentz scheme of things. If this deal is all about his dad, then get him down here and show him what TEAM is all about. Hard to read this. I think an 18 yr old kid being put on parade just so tom lemming and a handful of people can make money off of it is rediculous. You want the spotlight, earn it. Just my Opinion. He seemed like a down to earth and heady kid in his Army game interviews, so we'll see.

I agree with this other then the highlighted part. If he is good enough to start as a true frosh then so be it, I don't think he or his dad think he is just going go to any team and start from day one. He will have to work for it just like everybody else no matter where he goes.

I have talked to plenty of Iowa players that have all said there are plenty of guys that think going from HS to College is going to be easy and then after the first practice they realize that everybody is a lot better then the guys they went up against in HS. That's when they find out what kind of player they are going to be.
Minnesota Twins

I was on the Minnesota Twins (baseball)website and noticed this thread. Thought some of you might be interested so i attached the link.

Couldnt link the thread. Click on fans, then message boards and you will see the SH thread
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That was my take too.
Although, I am starting to have little highlight reels go off in my head of SH in an OU uniform getting bull rushed by #94
One post from Twins message board:

It's hard to say where he'll end up. He still has a visit to Miami on the 29th so they're definitely in the mix. I think USC is out now since Carroll has left. I really think he'll stay somewhat close and decide between Notre Dame, Ohio State, Iowa and Minnesota.

He had a lot of nice things to say about OSU and Columbus. Iowa is a long shot but they are a solid program and Kirk Ferentz is a former NFL line coach and has a lot of experience putting OLmen into the pros. Plus the Hawkeyes have a few former CDH players on their team who may be influencing him and a lot of open spots on the OL next season. Minnesota is the hometown team and an obvious candidate, although there will likely be a coaching turnover soon.

I'm guessing he'll wind up at Notre Dame. He is good friends with Michael Floyd who also went to CDH and I know they've been in contact about it.

Sure hope our current players from CDH can influence him to come to Iowa. Does anyone know how well Eubanks or Binns knows Seantel?? Would hope Eubanks being an OL might be a big help. Maybe he didn't do an official visit to Iowa as his old teammate Binns was telling him how great it was???

I do have to agree with most of what this poster says but sure hope he has come to the wrong conclusion. Seantrel would look great in BLACK and GOLD next year!!!!

As Penn State seems to be out of the mix maybe Coack Ferentz should steal JoPa's line from the Big Ten Network advertisement. Can't you just see Coach Ferentz, sitting on the coach at Seantrel's house, gritting his pearly whites and in his best JoPa immitation saying, "COME TO IOWA!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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Hoffa, what I mean't by that line was him craving the spotlight. I agree totally that he could come in and start, and that would be great. My point was KF wants humble, quiet, hard working dudes that love their teammates. DJK had a little trouble with this, but KF got him focused, and now he's our go to guy. I guess what I'm saying is, want a teammate, not a me, me, me guy. and maybe he's not that way at all, didn't seem to be in his interviews. Thanks for the post, glad someone shares in my kind of thinking.
He's a silent commit. He's well aware of the recent announcement from Bulaga, KF's OL expertise, and his ability to play right away. He's coming to Iowa! :)
If he does have a bit of an ego problem the interesting dynamic is KF's rule that true freshman aren't allowed to talk to the media. If he does have an ego problem (I personally think his dad just likes the attention) then that rule could potentially steer him away from Iowa...on the other hand if he does commit and has an ego problem then that rule could go a long way toward straightening that out.
The OSU message board was more worried about his ACT score than him as a person and player. Hopefully he reads that and sees that he would just be another stat at OSU. At Iowa he would definitely be another great talent in the Ferentz era that gets a first round pick in the draft basically securing his financial future. Hopefully he looks at the quality of the program and how fast he gets to play. Tressel runs a decent program so I cannot fault him for going there, just thinking he would benefit from Kirk's experience in the NFL which many NFL scouts come calling.