Sean Miller caught bribing Ayton on wire tap

Bruce Pearl is still coaching at Auburn. Why would Sean Miller be any different?
I’ve read that a similar bombshell may come out about Pearl in the coming days. It’s funny because just last week there was a thread on here where a bunch of people were claiming Iowa should hire Pearl. I’ll definitely dig it up when that happens.
Kentucky and USC has already announced they are not going to suspend their players. Time to start mapping out our salary cap
I’ve read that a similar bombshell may come out about Pearl in the coming days. It’s funny because just last week there was a thread on here where a bunch of people were claiming Iowa should hire Pearl. I’ll definitely dig it up when that happens.
I remember that.

I wonder if it is some of the same people that are screaming the loudest about this scandal and mocking Barta’s doing it the right way and throw out the phrase ‘if you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying.’
Wow. Parents of a sexual assault victim describe how Miller treated their daughter and son a couple years ago. Long but worth the read.
I didn’t see anything about Miller treating their son and daughter.

I did read where after the guy was suspended for a year from Arizona that he remained on the team for a couple of months. How does THAT happen? This apparently led to the guy telling his viewpoint to team mates and coaches who then “harassed” the woman.

I did read that Title IX office found the guy guilty of UA code of conduct but I wonder why he wasn’t charged criminally or if he was why they didn’t mention it.
Until the NCAA takes a hard stance and starts actually punishing schools...theres no way any of this is going to stop.

Meanwhile, the NCAA, the "non-profit" organization who makes billions of dollars off the NCAA basketball the organization in charge of policing the schools. Its one of the worst double standards I can remember
And you thought Fran's buyout was crazy ...

Do you think that the NCAA may continue their investigating by starting with other coaches with similar clauses in their contracts? Seems like the red flags of all red flags to me. Why would you even ask for that if you weren't cheating? To me that puts culpability on the schools also. That's them turning their heads the other way.
Granted this has been 100% the FBIs investigating and the NCAA just piggy backs off of what their able to uncover. But if the NCAA would like to help point the feds other directions pointing out other coaches (if there are any) with similar clauses to their deals might be a starting point.
They need to burn the whole NCAA BB to the ground. There is so much corruption it's ridiculous. I know it's happening in Football too, but these coaches are all aware of what goes on. I'd like to know how many of the kids getting money were signing with these agents after they declare...that will tell you something. I think the NCAA should require that Agents register any funds used in any recruiting effort. Everything public knowledge and the entire family of the athlete must show their bank records and all Athletic Directors should have guns so they can shoot them if they don't comply. Just getting that out there before Trump does.
Do you think that the NCAA may continue their investigating by starting with other coaches with similar clauses in their contracts? Seems like the red flags of all red flags to me. Why would you even ask for that if you weren't cheating? To me that puts culpability on the schools also. That's them turning their heads the other way.
Granted this has been 100% the FBIs investigating and the NCAA just piggy backs off of what their able to uncover. But if the NCAA would like to help point the feds other directions pointing out other coaches (if there are any) with similar clauses to their deals might be a starting point.

I was just coming to post the same thing but you took it one step further. I was just thinking with a contract like that, it sure seems like the AD knew what was going on. Miller probably said something like "I'll win at all costs, but my contract better cover my ass". I didn't think about the part where other coaches probably had that same conversation, so it's a good way to investigate.
I was just coming to post the same thing but you took it one step further. I was just thinking with a contract like that, it sure seems like the AD knew what was going on. Miller probably said something like "I'll win at all costs, but my contract better cover my ass". I didn't think about the part where other coaches probably had that same conversation, so it's a good way to investigate.
It's like how could the AD not know? So during the negotiation the agent asks for that. The AD then doesn't ask why? Just sign here. Give me a break. That kind of contract to me puts both the AD and the school neck deep in this too. They can't be let off the hook either.
I'll tell you what. All the other coaches with dirt under their fingernails are so pissed off at Miler right now for getting his ass caught red handed like that it's not even funny. It's been a pretty well known deal that coaches have runners and everything is done 3rd and 4th hands. 2nd hand at the closest but for him to have been dumb enough to talk about it on the phone is almost as stupid as being as directly involved in it as he was to begin with.
Going to be interesting on criminal intent. The Good Old Boy network has been doing this for years. No doubt they were doing this a long time and knew they were violating NCAA rules. However, I doubt any or most of them knew they were violating Federal law with FBI/Federal indictable offenses. Under the table things go on the time an happens everywhere in most walks of life. Price fixing doesn't get the attention it used to get and sharing price lists goes on all the time in most ALL business. Since the Clinton Admin, there isn't a lot of enforcement going on.

Every university has corruption. Every public university.

But it is a good question to ask. Did they know they were actually violating Federal law? Does that make a difference.
Going to be interesting on criminal intent. The Good Old Boy network has been doing this for years. No doubt they were doing this a long time and knew they were violating NCAA rules. However, I doubt any or most of them knew they were violating Federal law with FBI/Federal indictable offenses. Under the table things go on the time an happens everywhere in most walks of life. Price fixing doesn't get the attention it used to get and sharing price lists goes on all the time in most ALL business. Since the Clinton Admin, there isn't a lot of enforcement going on.

Every university has corruption. Every public university.

But it is a good question to ask. Did they know they were actually violating Federal law? Does that make a difference.
Well the laws they were breaking are of the tax evasion/money laundering variety. I'll guarantee you that AZ kid didn't list that 100k he got on his taxes this year... Nor whomever exactly handed it to him. That's the only reason the feds are involved at all. We are talking about tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars changing hands over the last few decades (between football and hoops) without the IRS getting their cut. The ESPN talking heads will have you believe all this is over some 100 dollar handshakes and steak dinners with the occasional sports car being handed to kids... Yes it's that too but a whole lot more... The FBI could care less about the eligibility of any kid playing ball. It's about the big money getting tossed around unreported..
If these schools don’t get banned from postseason play for multiple years what’s our incentive for staying clean?

This is really what NCAA has come to. Sooner or later, you have to pay the piper. The NCAA needs to be blown up and started over. It's as corrupt an organization (allows corruption amongst member schools) as any.