How pizzed off is Vintage right now....he is a NE fan, and a Tebow hater.
How pizzed off is Vintage right now....he is a NE fan, and a Tebow hater.
What's the website that tha dirty 30 went to? It might be fun to check out the implosion of Vin over there about this subject.
What's the website that tha dirty 30 went to? It might be fun to check out the implosion of Vin over there about this subject.
Does anyone wanna volunteer to let Scorp borrow their computer/user name for the afternoon so he can vent? Let him come on for 1/2 a day... Long enough to let him get his feelings out, but not so long that Diesel will drop the ban hammer on ya.
He actually wasn't even that mad.
How pizzed off is Vintage right now....he is a NE fan, and a Tebow hater.
Dean, Vinny is busy building a house right now. He says the floors are spec'd as 3/4" thick x 4" w site-finished oak. That'll be the only oak in the home -- the cabinets will be maple, the front door mahogany.
Dean, Vinny is busy building a house right now. He says the floors are spec'd as 3/4" thick x 4" w site-finished oak. That'll be the only oak in the home -- the cabinets will be maple, the front door mahogany.
Dean, Vinny is busy building a house right now. He says the floors are spec'd as 3/4" thick x 4" w site-finished oak. That'll be the only oak in the home -- the cabinets will be maple, the front door mahogany.
If anyone can make this work, it's Bill Belichick.
It should be an interesting combo - Tebow is a bit of a publicity whore (even if it's not in the traditional pro athlete sense - Tebow flies a banner of a different color - he's still a publicity whore), which is definitely not compatible w/the Belicheckian school of pigskin. Again though, if anyone can do it, it's Belichick. I would think Tim's non-football goals will suffer a bit, but as far as maximizing his professional career, this seems to be a good move.
Does anyone wanna volunteer to let Scorp borrow their computer/user name for the afternoon so he can vent? Let him come on for 1/2 a day... Long enough to let him get his feelings out, but not so long that Diesel will drop the ban hammer on ya.
How pizzed off is Vintage right now....he is a NE fan, and a Tebow hater.
Obsession. Still stinks after all these months.
Im not obsessed with Vin, I actually liked the guy. Yet Vinny never could play within the rules (which is fine, as it is akin to putting a Lion in a Zoo.......just to confining).